Chủ Nhật, 19 tháng 3, 2023

10 Telltale Signs That You Both Are Karmic Soulmates

Posted by Married Blog on tháng 3 19, 2023 with No comments

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In This Article

Have you ever met someone you bonded with almost instantly and felt a strong connection that made you fall in love with them? You might have experienced a karmic relationship without knowing, and one way you can tell is if the union ended abruptly.

Many experts refer to karmic relationships as intense and explosive, filled with interesting and difficult times. In this piece, you will understand what it means to have a karmic soulmate. You will also be able to recognize some signs that indicate that you are in a karmic relationship.

Martin Schulman’s book provides more insights into what karmic relationships mean. The book is titled Karmic Relationships and explains how to recognize unions with some destructive patterns.

What does a karmic soulmate mean?

A karmic soulmate is someone who comes into your life for a purpose that you might never forget in your life. It often begins with meeting someone with whom you will have an intense connection and burning passion.

You may think you are destined to be partners for life, but the relationships do not last.

What is the meaning of a karmic relationship?

A karmic relationship is a union that teaches important lessons like love, friendship, partnership, etc. Such relationships come with fiery energy and ecstasy, which is often difficult to maintain.

The partners in this relationship might feel like they cannot do without the other person, even amid turbulence. In the long run, a karmic relationship might turn toxic and unbearable for one or both partners.

10 top signs that you are both karmic soulmates

When we think about “What does karmic mean,” think about anything connected to the concept of karma.

Karmic soulmates specifically are individuals whose souls are destined to be one, to assist each other on their paths. Usually, not all karmic soulmates last forever because of the peculiarity of their relationship. Once they fulfill their purpose, they might likely go their separate ways or remain friends.

Woman embracing at beach

Charles Richards’ book titled Karmic Relationships reveals some of these signs. You will see how they influence your relationship and your life in general.

Here are some of the common reasons that you have a karmic soulmate

1. The connection is instant

One of the ways to know you have a karmic soulmate is when the two of you bond instantly. In some relationships, the chemistry does not develop instantly. They might get to know each other before the spark is fully blown.

However, the karmic connection is different. You will love everything about them, including their thought process, habits, etc. You will also want to be friends and be excited to realize they feel the same way about you.

Additionally, you will be convinced that the universe sent them your way because the love and bond will develop quickly. Finally, you will find yourself seeking their validation and wanting to be around them because the ties are strong.

Related Reading:How Important Is An Emotional Connection In A Relationship?

2. You might become insecure

Insecurity is one of the several ways that you have a karmic soulmate. The reason is likely because you have become so obsessive and don’t want to leave their side. Therefore, if you discover that another person wants to be close to them, you may not like the possibility.

The love between you and your karmic partner is intense, and when fear and jealousy sets in, it becomes intense too. If your partner has to be with other people you don’t know, you begin to get uncomfortable.

This is why some partners keep texting or calling their spouses to know if they are okay. They want to ensure you are not cheating on them with another person. Unfortunately, in a karmic relationship, it might be hard for partners to understand in this case.

Related Reading:16 Signs of Insecurity in Relationships

3. You give excuses for them sometimes

Another way to know that this person is your karmic soulmate is when you find yourself giving excuses for them even when their negative behavioral patterns. For instance, if you discover that they have constant anger issues, you might blame yourself as the cause.

You will even give yourself a mental note to avoid doing things that will anger them. When you notice their flaws, you intentionally do not take them to heart because you want to keep being with them.

You feel that flawed people like them should not be pushed away. Rather, you should accept them with open arms because this is how some of the best love stories begin.

4. Either of you becomes codependent

Often, a karmic bond is characterized by one-sided codependence. This means that one of the partners becomes too dependent on the other person that they cannot do some things without their partner’s approval.

Such people need their partner’s validation before doing anything, as they are too reluctant to make crucial decisions out of fear of failing. Sometimes, the dependent partner begins to feel trapped, like they are not doing anything important with their lives because of their partner’s supremacy.

Man confronting woman

They might not experience real happiness because it directly or indirectly depends on their partner. If the relationship turns toxic, the dependent partner might not realize it early. But, on the other hand, they might feel they are getting the best type of love they deserve.

5. You feel destined to be together

When you feel from the depth of your heart that you are destined to be together, they might be your karmic soulmate.

Even if the relationship begins to look frustrating at some point, you will feel the fortitude to keep being with your partner because you feel that they’re your destiny soulmates.

Your partner has a charming aura that you cannot stay away from. This is one of the reasons why you keep accepting them despite their shortcomings. However, the relationship will face many difficult hurdles and challenges that would make you both want to quit.

However, you will find yourself fighting to keep the relationship because you want to stay with your soulmate regardless of any problem you face. Therefore, you will keep getting invested in such relationships until you learn what life wants to teach you.

6. Emotional ups and downs

Another way to notice soulmates signs in a karmic relationship is when the relationship becomes an emotional rollercoaster. This type of relationship is characterized by frequent fallouts, name-callings, and exciting times, which might overwhelm both partners.

However, they will ignore some of these signs because they are karmic souls bound together. It might be almost impossible to achieve healthy communication because they don’t trust each other’s emotional intelligence to have it. They will keep having arguments and unresolved disagreements.

If you have ever asked what does karmic partner mean, one of the answers is when they keep passing snide remarks about each other. The next minute they might be loved up, calling each other sweet names and promising never to let go.

7. You feel something is not right

It is possible to be in love with someone and still feel that something is wrong. Your karmic soulmate might tick all the boxes, but you still know something is off, and you can’t tell. Sometimes, you might feel more interested in the relationship than your partner.

Couple having conflict in kitchen

They might seem to be more emotionally invested in something than you. Hence, they might not give you the full attention you crave. However, observing this doesn’t mean your relationship is about to end or the karmic bond is weakening.

It might imply that your partner has other important issues that they must fix. Therefore, communicate with your partner to know what is happening to avoid assumptions.

8. It reveals your dark side

We often believe that we have good traits and that people around us have undesirable attributes. This is why some people find it hard to believe they have a dark side that others see, but they don’t.

When you have a karmic connection, your dark side reflects more, and you become aware of some distasteful characteristics. One of the reasons why this happens is because you share a special connection with your karmic partner that forces you to recognize your dark side.

It also means that your partner has some dark energies that attract you. This is why you become more aware of those detested traits. Eventually, you will accept some of these habits, making you feel normal.

Related Reading:Embrace Your Dark Side for Better Parenting

9. There is a high level of miscommunication

If you have asked questions like “What is a karmic soulmate,” one of the answers is the level of miscommunication is usually high. Since you are so in love with them, you are likely to assume for the most part.

You will end up misconstruing what they mean, and vice-versa. For instance, if you put on a straight face, your partner might think they are the cause. So they might keep their distance from you because they don’t want you to blame them.

Some of them who try to communicate might make the matter about them, which can lead to another level of conflict. In a karmic relationship, you will discover in time the damage miscommunication is doing to your relationship and how you can take the right action.

Watch this video on how to solve communication problems in relationships:

10. The relationship does not last

One of the saddest things about having a karmic soulmate is that you don’t expect to end up together with them. Even though there are a few exceptions, most relationships with karmic connections do not last.

Many people don’t know this because karmic relationships often start as an intense and romantic bond between two people whose spirits bonded fast. However, such relationships often end in heartbreaks, and it is advisable not to think they will last forever.

If your partner wants to move on from the union, you must let them go. Remember that karmic partners are in your life to change it.

Therefore, be grateful that you’ve learned the lesson that your ex-partner wanted you to know. If you check where your life is, you will discover that you are in a better state than before, even if the union did not end the way you expected.


How to know if you have a karmic soulmate?

One of the ways to know you have a karmic soulmate is when the feeling is intense and quick. You see the individual, and you have a strong connection with them instantly. Unfortunately, this is usually followed by conflicts, miscommunication, red flags, highs, lows, etc.

What differentiates a karmic soulmate from a soulmate?

Everything that leads to having a karmic soulmate is fast, which makes it different from a soulmate.

If you have a soulmate, the relationship usually looks gradual, and over time you might be convinced that you are building something beautiful together. There might be obstacles on the way when you have a true soulmate, but you will both be dedicated to making the relationship work.

Couple talking while sitting on wooden bench

Is it possible for a karmic partner to marry?

Some karmic partners might get married, but the occurrences during their relationship are likely to happen. Only a few karmic relationships turn into marriages that are usually hard to sustain.

Can a romantic relationship with a karmic partner work out?

Yes, you can have a romantic relationship with a karmic soulmate because what you feel for them is intense. However, expect ups and downs because it comes with the full package of having a karmic partner.

To learn more about. “What is a karmic connection,” you can check Bernd Casel’s book titled The Secret of Karmic Relationships. It reveals the complex connections that come with karmic partnerships and other relationships.


After reading through this article, you’ve seen that having a karmic soulmate might not be as bad as you think. However, get ready for some of the downsides that come with it. The goal of having a karmic partner is to experience positive change in one or more aspects of your life.

If you think you have a karmic soulmate and things are looking difficult, contact a relationship counselor for more advice.

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