Chủ Nhật, 19 tháng 3, 2023

10 Ways Couple Fitness Goals Help Relationships

Posted by Married Blog on tháng 3 19, 2023 with No comments

Couple doing exercises

In This Article

If you’ve hit a plateau when it comes to workout motivation, you’re not alone. You can beat the exercise boredom by bringing your spouse to the gym. Setting couple fitness goals may help you and your partner stay on track with your exercise routine and get closer.

It seems inevitable to hit a plateau when it comes to fitness motivation, but you don’t have to stay there.

By matching your schedule with your partner’s, you can become “gym couple goals” by finding new and exciting ways to challenge yourselves.

Not only is it fun to work out with your spouse, but couples who workout together experience various emotional and physical benefits.

What does it mean to be ‘couple goals’?

Couple goals is social media lingo for saying that commenters look up to the couple being talked about.

A silly example of this would be a photo of a husband bringing his wife breakfast in bed. Comments on the photo might read “Goals” or “Couple goals!”

Whether the subject is silly, sweet, or heartfelt, “couple goals” is a standard of love that other people want in their romantic lives.

When it comes to working out, couple fitness goals refers to a couple who love and support each other in and outside the gym.

You don’t have to be the fittest or most intense at your workouts to be seen as “goals” to others. But before you can BE crowned “gym couple goals” on social media, you have to SET goals as a couple.

What are some exercises you can do together as a couple? Watch this video for suggestions.

What are some examples of fitness couple goals?

If you want to set couple workout goals for you and your spouse but need help figuring out where to begin, start small. You don’t have to take on the world!

Here are some fitness goals examples you and your partner can think about trying:

  • Learn how to run together – it’s an art!
  • Do stretches every morning
  • Work on having good form
  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator
  • Download an app that reminds you to stand up and get moving when you’ve been sitting for too long
  • Do a 10,000 steps-a-day challenge
  • Exercise 15 days out of the month
  • Do one new workout class together each week (don’t be afraid to try new things like spinning or a dance class)
  • Strive to hold a 1-minute plank within the month
  • Work toward drinking enough water each day (2.7 liters for women, 3.7 liters for men)
  • Train for running in a race
  • Go for a walk every day together
  • Start cooking at home instead of eating out

Is it good for couples to work out together?

Couple smiling while looking at each other

Setting couple’s fitness goals is a great way to spend more time with your spouse and deepen your connection.

Couple goals workout – is doing couples workouts right for you? The answer depends on whether you can support your spouse while exercising.

For example, if you are an experienced runner and your partner is just learning to build stamina, you must be patient.

If you have a short fuse or don’t like working out with a partner, this is probably not for you.

If you are patient, willing to learn, and looking forward to the benefits that come from couples workouts, then you should start setting some fitness couple goals today.

10 ways couple fitness goals help relationships

Here are some ways fitness goals can improve your health as well as your relationship.

1. It’s a bonding experience

Couples who workout together allow their partner to watch them in their most private moments of celebration and endurance.

When you find a couples workout that works for you, let it unite you as partners.

Pushing your spouse to reach new exercise heights and being there for them when they are ready to quit is a bonding experience that will strengthen your relationship for years to come.

Related Reading:30 Couple Bonding Activities to Strengthen the Relationship

2. You improve your support system

Couples working out together create an enhanced support system in their marriage. One study asked singles and couples to complete a workout course. Ninety-five percent of couples completed the workout program, compared to 76% of singles who did.

Wanting to reach “fitness couples goals” helps partners understand each other’s needs and teaches them how to show support in the best way possible.

3. Couples working out exercise harder

Another great benefit to making gym couple goals is that research shows a little friendly competition with your partner will double the amount of time you spend exercising.

Competition aside, when your spouse works harder than you at the gym, it triggers the Köhler effect. This occurs when someone performs a difficult task better as a team than solo.

The Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology found that working out with a more experienced gym partner boosted the inexperienced partner’s workout motivation by 24%.

4. Set your bedroom on fire

When made your first list of couple fitness goals, you probably didn’t think it would affect your sex life – but it does!

As you exercise, you build up endurance, which allows you to be more active in the bedroom for a longer period. Not to mention that couples who workout together:

  • Feel sexier
  • Improve blood flow, keeping all those nerve-ending in tip-top shape
  • Reduce mood-killing stress

All in all, regular exercise can bring the fire back into the bedroom.

5. You’re spending quality time together

Quality time is, of course, relevant to what kind of couple’s workout you are doing.

Working out with earbuds and spending most of your time on the opposite side of the gym probably won’t win you any brownie points with your spouse.

However, working out in tandem and cheering each other on greatly increases emotional intimacy.

Related Reading:11 Ways to Spend Some Quality Time With Your Partner

6. Fitness couple goals reduce stress

Exercise is great for stress relief. When couples work out, their brains produce endorphins, which are feel-good neurotransmitters.

Although this awesome effect of exercise is sometimes referred to as a runner’s high, it is not limited to running. Hiking, playing sports, or even dancing can contribute to this natural pick-me-up.

When you set gym couple goals, you boost happiness. Your brain will start to associate happiness with exercise and your spouse, strengthening your relationship.

7. You improve trust in your relationship

Working out may seem like a simple hobby with your partner, but making a “couple goals workout” builds trust.

It takes trust to believe someone will show up for you every day. Similarly, it builds trust when you believe your spouse won’t let a barbell fall on your chest while working out.

Spotting you during exercises, showing up at the gym, and creating shared couple fitness goals boosts trust and improves relationship satisfaction.

8. Working out together boosts consistency

When you set couple fitness goals, you create a sense of consistency in your relationship.

  • You are consistent at the gym – creating a healthy routine that benefits you physically and mentally
  • You are consistent with your spouse – supporting them and helping them achieve their goals
  • You are consistent with your responsibility – you repeatedly show up physically and emotionally for yourself and your partner

As a bonus, research shows that couples who workout together enhance the duration of their workout and boost motivation and consistency.

9. Increases relationship happiness

Setting couple fitness goals may be something you never thought you would do in your marriage, but you’ll be happy you did – literally.

Doing a couple’s workout increases happiness due to the endorphins released. Plus, research shows that couples who spend time doing something new together each week reported higher levels of marital satisfaction.

10. You stay attractive to one another

There are many great reasons to set couple fitness goals that don’t have anything to do with losing weight. Getting stronger, reducing the risk of chronic diseases, and getting a better night’s sleep are just a few.

That said, if you lose weight because of your increased activity, you are 14% more likely to keep working out and 42% more likely to keep the weight off if you exercise alongside your spouse.

Maintaining your health and fitness will be a turn-on for your partner. You’ll become more attracted to each other not only because of the physical changes that exercise brings but because of the bonding you’ve experienced as a couple during the process.

Related Reading:What Makes a Man Attractive? 15 Scientific Ways

What are the benefits of working out with a partner?

Man lifting barbell in front of woman

As we’ve discussed, couples who workout together deepen their emotional and physical connection, increase trust, and stay highly motivated to continue their workouts.

For a deeper look at the benefits for couples who workout together, check out this article – Key Advantages of Couple Workout Goals.

How to set the best couple workout goals

Be realistic about your couple’s fitness goals.

Achieving goals releases endorphins in your body, which makes you feel happier. Your sense of pride for working hard and reaching your workout couple goals is priceless. This feeling then motivates you to continue making small, attainable goals.

For example, if you use 5LB weights, make it a goal to strengthen your upper body enough to use 10LB weights – however long that takes.

This is much more attainable than setting a goal of having a bodybuilder’s physique within a month.

The more realistic your couples workout goals, the less likely you are to become discouraged and give up.

The takeaway

Setting couple fitness goals will improve not only your physical health but the emotional health of your relationship.

You and your partner will enhance your sex life and emotionally intimate connection and be satisfied with reaching your fitness couple goals as a team.

Couples who workout together share a special bond. If you have never exercised with a romantic partner before, set some workout relationship goals today and see how your marriage blossoms.

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