Chủ Nhật, 19 tháng 3, 2023

30 Throuple Relationship Rules for Successful Relationship

Posted by Married Blog on tháng 3 19, 2023 with No comments

Two woman kissing one man

In This Article

Do you know you can enjoy a relationship with three individuals? This relationship is called a throuple relationship. Please keep reading to learn more about it and throuple relationship rules.

What is a throuple relationship?

You probably heard the word “throuple relationship” the first time on a show. Or you eavesdropped on a conversation between strangers and clinched the word. As someone who just heard it for the first time, you get curious and ask, “What is a throuple relationship? Or what is a three-way relationship?”

A throuple relationship is a relationship involving three individuals in a romantic relationship. The word “throuple” is created from two words – “three” and “couple.” In such a relationship, one person is intimate with the other two, and vice versa.

A throuple couple is intentional, committed, and compassionate to the tenets of their relationship. While a throuple relationship deviates from societal norms, experiencing one can be much more fulfilling and exciting. Having a three-way relationship is often planned, understood, and agreed on by all participants.

So, how does a throuple relationship work?

How does a throuple relationship work?

What is a three-way relationship? A throuple relationship is not open, although it may be open or closed.

If the throuple couple agrees to leave the relationship open, they can see other people, often for sexual satisfaction, but not love or romance. However, if it’s a close one, the throuple can only enjoy romance and sex among themselves.

Similarly, having a three-way relationship differs from having a threesome relationship, where three individuals engage in sexual activity. The idea behind a throuple relationship is balance, commitment, and a consensual relationship agreed upon among three partners.

So, how does a throuple relationship work with three people, or how to make a throuple work? Well, you can build throuple relationships in several ways below:

1. A pre-existing couple agrees to invite another person

In this throuple arrangement, there are already two parties in a relationship. They have probably been together for a long time and explored situations together. Now, the couple both reach an agreement to start a throuple relationship and actively seek out a third person.

2. A married couple invites a third partner into their relationship

You can achieve successful three-way relationships with married couples. Like the above throuple relationship, a married couple may decide to invite a third person into their marriage. This might sound strange or weird to many people. After all, marriages usually comprise two individuals.

If the partners agree to this arrangement, a throuple can work with married partners. Their reason may be solely to spice up their marriage or try something different after years of being together.

3. All three persons agree to stay committed to one another in a close relationship

The three in this arrangement aren’t committed to anyone besides their partners in the throuple. They are in a three-way relationship where they are only romantically and sexually attracted to one another.

4. Three people come together and choose to enter a relationship together

In this relationship, the individuals come together and agree to have a throuple. Each hasn’t been intimately or sexually involved with the group member before.

Related Reading:What Keeps Couples Together: 15 Things You Must Know

5. All three people form a committed relationship but keep it open

If you want to know how to have a three-way relationship, here is one. The people in this throuple are committed to one another, yet agree to court, have sex with, and have relationships with people outside the throuple relationship.

Their relationship is very open to others outside the throuple. They can date and have sex with anyone they want.

Any gender or anyone with different sexual orientations can be in a throuple relationship. Also, a throuple couple can have intimate but not sexual feelings for one another and vice versa.

Understanding its meaning isn’t enough to know how to make a throuple work. It’s crucial to know throuple relationship rules. These rules should be negotiated and agreed upon by all three people involved.

Two man kissing one woman

30 throuple relationship rules for a successful relationship

Successful three-way relationships are built on rules. Since it is not like the usual two-way partnership, each individual involved must know the importance of the relationship to avoid arguments or confusion. The rules will ensure all participants are happy. Also, they can teach you how to have a three-way relationship.Here they are:

1. Communication plays a huge role

Like any normal relationship, individuals involved in a throuple must have intentional communication at the beginning of the relationship and at any other time.

There should be no room for assumption. If anyone is confused, they should ask questions. That will ensure everyone is on the same page.

2. Honesty is important

Honesty is one of the throuple relationship rules. It is a virtue that should be present. A little bit of vulnerability from each person will help achieve the goal of the relationship without leaving anyone behind.

Everyone involved must be open about their feelings, emotions, and expectations. Also, you must clearly state your intention so everyone will be on the same page.

3.Take it slowly

Even though people agree to enter a three-way relationship, one of the vital throuple relationship rules is to take it slowly. When you take it slow, you can watch each other’s attitudes and behaviors and reach a compromise to make the relationship work.

Remember, you all have different sexual and romantic expectations. Also, you have a different relationship experience.

4. Let it grow naturally

Like any other relationship, do your best to let your throuple relationship grow naturally. Don’t force anything, especially at the beginning of the relationship. Instead, use the first few days or weeks to get to know one another.

Whether there was a preexisting couple or you are all coming from different places, allowing the throuple to grow naturally gives you time to evaluate the relationship. It will also help you see how to make it better.

Learn about the signs of an incompatible relationship in this video:

5. Know that you are in a relationship with two people

It is against the throuple relationship rules to be in a relationship with one person. Remember, it is a three-way relationship. It is not you and another person against one person. Even if you are married to one person, you must be transparent when you agree to invite another.

While you are expected to be drawn to one person you have known before, you must caution yourself to remember this rule. Otherwise, the third person might feel left out and eventually storm out of the throuple.

6.Have clear goals

One throuple advice for couples is to communicate your expectations and goals. Ask one another the motivation for entering a throuple.

To what end? What do you plan to achieve in the long haul? Don’t mince words about your needs or desires. It’s a relationship, and every participant should be satisfied.

7. Be intentional

Don’t enter a throuple relationship because your friends are in it. Also, don’t invite others merely to know what it feels like. This isn’t a game.

A throuple is as essential as any other relationship out there. You should be serious about it and comply with everything agreed upon by others. That way, everyone is happy, fulfilled, and satisfied.

Related Reading:5 Areas of Loving Your Partner Intentionally

8. Equity

A throuple relationship should revolve around equity. Don’t leave anyone behind, regardless of your previous relationship. There should be a way to involve everyone at the same time.

For example, it should be a group call-over call to one person before including another. If anyone feels cheated or not included, a throuple relationship is bound to break before it starts.

9. You are all equal

There is always a strong contender in every relationship. In a throuple, however, you are all equal.

On a date night, for example, there is a chance that one person will receive more attention than the other. When you notice this, try to strike a balance. View each other equally; your behaviors will be geared towards the exact cause.

10. Throw the jealousy out of the window

If you are jealous in a throuple relationship, ensure it’s against someone outside the relationship. Getting jealous of one of the individuals in a throuple is dangerous and detrimental to the foundation of the relationship.

Whenever you feel left out, be open-minded and speak out immediately. Otherwise, it might grow into something else.

11. Learn to adapt

Do you want to know how to make a throuple work? It is best to adapt. Adapting to some things in a throuple might help you stay happy.

Remember, you all have different backgrounds and orientations. Before you disagree with anything, it might help to see how you can cope with it.

12. Be open to new experiences

A great throuple advice is that you should be ready to learn. Many things might appear strange to you in a throuple. The joy of it is that you have two other individuals who are ready to help you out.

However, you must be ready to learn. Even if all the people involved have limited knowledge, being open to learning can help them develop a solid relationship plan.

13. Be flexible

One way on how to have a three-way relationship is flexibility. The truth is many things won’t work in your favor in a throuple.

However, if you are both physically and mentally flexible, you will find balance and enjoy your partners. When circumstances arise, let other people know you are willing to learn.

14. Set boundaries

Regardless of how much you enjoy a three-way relationship, one of the vital throuple relationship rules is to set clear boundaries. Don’t get carried away, or you will be second-guessing yourself.

As much as you owe your partner commitment, there should be limits to your personal space. Remember, you have a life outside of your throuple. Talk about one another’s likes and dislikes. When you know this, everyone will know where to tread.

Three friends having fun dancing together

15. Find balance

If you are willing to do a throuple of work, learn to find balance. Even though there are things you don’t appreciate much in your relationship, it’s crucial to compromise.

You might have to sacrifice to make your partner happy if it doesn’t take your peace away.

16. Be ready to negotiate

As much as your needs are essential, remember you have two other persons with different needs and wants. Nonetheless, everyone can win if you are ready to negotiate. Find common ground that works for everyone, and you all will be happy.

17. Everyone must win

A throuple relationship should benefit everyone involved. That’s why it’s vital to check up and often communicate constantly. Ask one another how they feel about the relationship.

Ask if they are happy or have any observations. This step is essential. Otherwise, you might be pushing one person away without even realizing it.

18. Settle any dispute on time

Some couples make it a rule never to sleep over an argument. Even if you don’t make a rule, ensure you talk through any problem that may arise as soon as it happens. Don’t let any disagreement fester for long.

Indeed, talking about problems or admitting your faults is uncomfortable. However, it’s the best strategy to prevent an explosive fight.

19. Apologize when you are wrong

Many relationships have their challenges, and a throuple relationship is no different. To prevent issues from escalating, you should apologize and admit your fault when you are wrong.

People make mistakes, so don’t feel embarrassed. Instead, beg your partners and assure them never to repeat the action.

20. Learn to forgive

One piece of advice you should never forget is forgiveness. Partners offend each other or one another now and then.

Your ability to forgive your partner is vital to the relationship’s growth.

If you need to talk about it, set a time and tell your feelings. Then let go slowly – it’s peaceful.

21. Sex doesn’t have to be involved

A throuple relationship is a three-way relationship. It doesn’t mean a threesome where all you care about is sex.

Learn to do other things outside of intimate sexual activities. Discuss trending topics, take a walk, learn new things together and grow friendships.

22. You don’t have to be a trio

Three people are involved, but there will be a time when one person is busy. When this happens, it’s OK to be with the other person as long as there is an agreement.

23. Spend time with other people

One mistake many people make in a throuple relationship is that they don’t remember their life outside their throuple. You used to have a life and relationship with others.

Being three doesn’t mean neglecting other things or people in your life. Find ways to be responsible for your other commitments, and you will be delighted.

Related Reading:5 Benefits of Spending Time With Family

24. Have a me-time

Don’t get too carried away with compromising your me-time. Having personal time alone allows you to revisit your individuality.

It helps you align with your values, principles, aspirations, interests, and goals. Learn to take some time off to enjoy things alone. This step will help all partners refuel.

Couple having breakfast in bed

25. Don’t keep any secrets

One of the crucial throuple relationship rules is “no secrets.” When you agree to have a three-way relationship, it’s a throuple couple against others. Don’t divide the partnership by keeping secrets.

If you have anything to say or notice something weird about one person, say it openly. Don’t forget you all have the same goal.

Related Reading:21 Key Secrets To A Successful Marriage

26. Consider your throuple relationship in other things

Now that you are in a three-way relationship, you must create space for it. Be organized, as you might need to go on multiple dates, vacations, or attend events together.

If you feel any arrangement affects certain things in your life, discuss it with others.

Related Reading:25 Types of Relationships That You Might Encounter

27. Make time for each other

One of the best throuple advice is to make time for one another. Like in any other relationship, you must make time for your partner. Spending quality time together ensures you build a lasting connection and bond.

Notably, it gives you time to communicate and share personal details. For example, you may cook together or go on vacation.

28. Decide about the sleeping arrangement.

When it comes to sleeping arrangements, you don’t go with the flow or make assumptions. Everyone should discuss the options and make a clear decision. A throuple couple can decide to sleep together on the same bed.

Others may opt for two people taking turns sleeping together. Also, the individuals may choose separate rooms or beds and only come together for sexual activity. There is no specific rule as long as the partners have an agreement.

29. You are one

Although a throuple relationship is among three individuals, you are the same. You may have different desires, but your goal is to build a partnership with two other persons. When making decisions, don’t ever forget that.

30. Enjoy your relationship

Relax and enjoy every milestone in your throuple relationship. You will face challenges, problems, and rejections.

Many people might not understand your aim but focus on your partners. Don’t let issues or others’ opinions deter you from seeing the best in your relationship.

Related Reading:25 Reasons to Keep Your Relationship Private


Can a throuple be successful?

Yes, anyone can have a successful throuple relationship if the partners have an explicit agreement, commitment, and compassion.

How do you know it’s right for you to be in a throuple relationship?

If you are in a preexisting relationship and wish to have a throuple relationship, it may be right for you if:

  • You and your current partner have a healthy relationship, and your communication skill is top-notch.
  • You both are mature and can deal with jealousy.
  • Your partner understands the role of having a three-way relationship and has agreed to try it.
  • You are willing to adapt to the new arrangement.

Are there any advantages to being in a throuple?

The advantages of a throuple relationship are the same as that of a two-way relationship. They include:

  • Having people who love you deeply
  • Spending time with people who enjoy your company and share the same hobbies.
  • You have people who can support you emotionally during hard times.
  • If you live together, you have people with whom you can share financial responsibilities.


A throuple relationship involves three people who agree to be in a committed and romantic relationship. While it’s different from the usual two-way relationship, harming yourself with throuple relationship rules will help you achieve a fulfilling and exciting relationship.

That way, everyone’s needs are met. If you are confused about which way to go, it’s best to seek the advice of a relationship counselor.

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