Chủ Nhật, 19 tháng 3, 2023

How to Keep a Conversation Going With Your Partner :10 Tips

Posted by Married Blog on tháng 3 19, 2023 with No comments

Happy couple working in kitchen

Do you remember how easy it was to converse with your partner? You had many things to discuss, including his experiences, family, likes, dislikes, etc.

These days, you have run out of topics to discuss, which is probably why your conversations are not as smooth as before.

In this article, you will learn how to keep a conversation going to ignite the spark between you and your partner.

How can I improve communication with my partner?

You can improve communication with your partner by learning to listen and asking open-ended questions. When you point out important details your partner mentions, it gives them the impression that you are interested in what they are saying.

They will be more motivated to keep conversing, making it more interesting. Don’t try to assume when communicating with your partner, but always request clarifications to be sure of what they are saying or thinking.

The Harvard Gazette discusses more on improving conversations or communication with your partner. In this study, you will learn why conversations might look too long or short and also know what to say to keep a conversation going.

Couple talking while having coffee

How to keep a conversation going with your partner: 10 Tips

When people enter a relationship, it is easy to keep a conversation going because they probably don’t know much about each other. As time goes on, it becomes more difficult because they are used to each other, and new conversation topics might not come up regularly.

Here are some ways on how to keep a conversation going with your partner

1. Switch up the routine

As your relationship with your partner ages, you will likely stick to the same routine. This means that you might have a particular time when the two of you get to discuss this at length. There would also be periods where you text each other intermittently to check up.

Therefore, on how to keep the conversation going, it is advisable to modify the routine to avoid repeating the same thing all over again. You will be surprised to see that your conversations might flow better than before, and it would be great to keep things in this state for now.

Additionally, if you and your partner have a particular position that the two of you discuss, you can consider a change different from what you are used to.

2. Consider open-ended questions

If you want to keep the conversation going, one of the things to ensure is to use open-ended questions. Avoid asking your partner polar questions- yes or no questions. Open-ended questions are your best bet if you want them to give a lengthy answer that could lead to a conversation.

You don’t have to use this strategy every time, except when you run out of topics to discuss, or you don’t have anything initially to talk about.

When you ask open-ended questions, you can tailor them to make your partner redirect some of those questions to you. This way, the two of you can keep asking questions to keep a conversation going for a long time. You can also apply this hack if you want to know how to keep conversation going over text.

3. Make sure the atmosphere is right

Another way on how to keep a conversation going is by ensuring that the atmosphere is right. If you notice the tense atmosphere, having a long and interesting conversation might not be easy. To make the atmosphere right, study your partner, and know what would lighten their mood.

You can plan a short-notice romantic date, play some good music, or their favorite tv show. Then, once the atmosphere is cool, it would be easy to start conversations that both of you will enjoy having.

4. Share a hobby with your partner

One of the tips on how to keep a conversation going is by sharing the same interests as your partner. If you notice that you and your partner usually run out of things to discuss, it might be because you don’t have things in common.

You can make some changes by getting interested in what your partner does and vice-versa. For example, it becomes easier for you to talk about your hobbies because they are recurring, and you look forward to doing them together.

For instance, you and your partner can decide to get interested in a particular sport or a tv show. You will be surprised to see that you will have enough things to keep the conversation going.

Related Reading:Bonding Hobbies for Couples

Watch this video on finding common interests with your partner:

5. Go on outings together

Another way on how to keep a conversation going is by going to outdoor events together. You and your partner might be finding it hard on how to make conversation because you don’t spend time outside together.

There will always be many shows to attend, and you and your partner can plan on going to anyone. So you will have something to talk about at such events, and you can even continue the conversation when you get home.

The both of you can share your favorite moments at these outings and what you look forward to experiencing next time. Spending more time with your partner outside is one of the good ways to keep a conversation going.

6. Learn new things together

Having a partner is one of the most beautiful things ever because you can live and build with them. So, if you want to spice up your relationship and know how to keep a conversation going, consider learning new things together.

You will be surprised that this can make you and your partner bond more because you will have things to discuss centered on what you are learning.

Ensure it is not a boring activity that can make anyone uninterested. For instance, you can learn new recipes or dance steps.

The goal is to learn something together that will make the two of you discuss, laugh, and look forward to the next time.

7. Share the good and bad about your daily lives

When you share the highs and lows of your daily lives, it is one of the ways on how to keep a conversation going. You and your partner should be free to share the interesting aspects of your day and the not-too-pleasant parts.

Doing this will allow both of you to keep the discussion going. Additionally, it is much better than trying to summarize your whole day. It is important to go into the details of your routine to give your partner insight into your day.

8. Keep your phone aside

One of the mistakes many partners make when discussing with each other is using their phones or other digital devices. This habit will keep both of you distracted because you won’t be able to know how to continue a conversation and focus on what they are saying.

Also, using your phone during a conversation will most likely make you forget some things you need to mention. If you want to know how to keep a conversation going, ensure that your phones don’t get in the way.

You cannot have a heartfelt conversation with your partner while trying to attend to your notifications. If this is challenging for you and your partner, you can time yourselves and get back to your phone when the alarm goes off.

Padamaraj Nidagundi’s book titled “How to keep a conversation going” is for partners who want to have endless and unlimited discussions. This book contains quintessential tips for long and interesting conversations.

Gay couple talking in bedroom

9. Avoid assumptions

When you have been with your partner for a while, you might think you know everything about them. This is why assumption comes in, which is not healthy in most cases. Avoid making assumptions if you want to know how to keep a conversation going.

Instead, ask your partner what you need to know, and they might tell you. Then, if your partner enters the room with a discouraged look, don’t think it is because of you.

Rather, ask them what is wrong and how you can help. When your partner notices that you show genuine concern towards their plight, they will open up more often, and it can lead to a long conversation.

10. You can connect in the middle of the day

One of the reasons why most couples prefer to talk at night is because they will be busy most of the time during the day. Therefore, they will keep all discussions till night, and sometimes, they need to remember some things that they intended to talk about.

If you are looking for ways to keep the conversation going, consider connecting during the day for a few minutes. When you do this, you are taking off the pressure of what to discuss at night.

All you need to do is, hit your partner up through text or video calls, ask how their day is going, make one or two jokes, and end the conversation. Doing this will make you and your partner more relaxed during the day, and you will both look forward to discussing more at night.


Knowing how to keep a conversation going is one of the ways to prevent your relationship from becoming monotonous. You will always look forward to discussing with your partner because there is always something to say, and time never seems enough.

If you want to know how to maintain a conversation and make it enjoyable, consider taking a relationship course centered on this.

For more tips on how to keep a conversation going, check out Christopher Gottschalk’s book titled How to start and make a conversation. This book covers the entirety of things to keep the conversation going.

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