Chủ Nhật, 19 tháng 3, 2023

What Is a Platonic Marriage and Is It Right for You?

Posted by Married Blog on tháng 3 19, 2023 with No comments

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In This Article

If you are not well aware that sexless marriages exist, then you probably haven’t heard of a platonic marriage before. Various controversies have surrounded this kind of relationship over the years, as many people find it bizarre; some may even think it’s impossible.

Surprisingly, sexless relationships are prevalent these days. Some people choose to stay in this kind of relationship for personal reasons.

To know more about platonic relationships and marriages, continue reading this article.

What is a platonic marriage?

Woman leaning on man

Platonic marriage is something you probably don’t hear about a lot. However, platonic relationships have long existed in society and are prevalent even to date.

Most people have the same knowledge about relationships; it involves two people with a mutual attraction and a desire for physical intimacy. However, it’s not always how it works, and it’s about time you widen your knowledge about relationships in general and discover what a platonic relationship is.

After knowing more about it, you will figure out whether this kind of marriage is for you or not.

Platonic marriage or platonic relationship is an idea that originated from ancient Greek Philosophy and was cited by the brilliant thinker and writer Plato in his dialogue called “Symposium.” The term “Platonic” was derived from the great writer’s name.

A platonic marriage involves two people sharing a close bond but not indulging in any sexual activity. Platonic spouses may feel affection toward each other, which is called “Platonic love.”

In other words, a platonic marriage involves two people being very close friends. Platonic marriages can involve same-sex or opposite-sex friendships.

According to a study, people in platonic relationships do not share beyond a quick hug or a peck on the cheek.

How well do platonic marriages work? Here is a video that throws more light on it.

Advantages of platonic marriages

People have different preferences regarding the type of relationships they want to be in. Some people wish to be in a relationship with someone they can be physically intimate with. Other people, on the other hand, want to be with someone with whom they can share a close bond without having any sexual contact.

While others might think platonic marriages will not work, many couples in this type of relationship have been together happily for years. It is because platonic marriage offers many benefits, including those listed below.

1. It is effortless

A Platonic marriage is surprisingly simple and uncomplicated, unlike romantic relationships. Just two very close friends deciding to spend the rest of their lives together without any pressure of keeping a romantic connection. This kind of marriage is so much easier for many reasons.

If you are afraid of entering marriage because of the pressures that come with it, then being in a platonic relationship with someone you are close to is worth trying out.

2. There is no pressure

Due to the lack of romantic connections, couples in Platonic marriages do not go through the challenges typical couples go through most of the time. Relationship turmoil’s such as infidelity, lack of communication, jealousy, boredom, and so on are not likely to happen in platonically married couples.

Because there is less chance for most Platonic couples to face what typical couples face, they experience less pressure and more freedom to be themselves within their marriage.

3. It is comfortable

Being in a platonic life partnership with your best friend allows you just to be yourself and not feel the need to please anyone. Sharing a strong bond with the person you are closest to gives you the ultimate freedom to be your most authentic self and have a life partner at the same time.

Unlike typical romantic relationships, platonic marriages do not need much work and tend to flow freely. Couples, from best friends to platonic spouses, tend to be more honest and open toward each other. They also tend to feel more comfortable sharing their thoughts with their spouses.

4. You have fewer obligations

Because there is no romantic connection in a platonic marriage, couples will have fewer to no obligations in their relationship. One does not have to worry about the usual problems in typical relationships. In addition, a Platonic husband or wife does not feel obliged to satisfy their spouse’s sexual needs.

Having fewer obligations will keep your marriage flowing naturally and freely. You face fewer issues that often tarnish your bond and undermine your relationship.

5. You share a strong bond

Having a life partnership with your best friend through a platonic marriage offers a number of benefits:

  • You get to spend a lifetime with the person you are closest to the most.
  • You won’t feel the pressures most couples in romantic relationships experience.
  • You get someone you trust as a lifelong companion.

A platonic marriage is perfect for people who are afraid of growing old but don’t want to commit to a typical marriage involving romance and intimacy.

6. Respect is prevalent

Since a platonic relationship in marriage does not involve romantic and sexual elements, both parties can understand and acknowledge their spouse’s boundaries. Both parties understand that they are in a platonic marriage and that their needs are different from typical married couples.

Because understanding is commonplace in platonic marriage, respect is prevalent as a result.

Related Reading:10 Essential Tips to Foster Love and Respect in Your Marriage

7. You spare yourself from being heartbroken

A romantic relationship can be demanding and exhausting at times. Once couples fail to tend to their partner’s emotional and sexual needs, problems will arise, and their relationship may end up in a messy breakup.

But since platonic marriages do not involve the typical issues romantic couples go through, Platonic couples are less likely to experience heartbreaks.

Breakups can be extremely emotionally draining. Spare yourself from it and consider being in a platonic relationship instead.

8. You get a dependable life partner

Growing old alone is scary for many people. However, not everyone wants to enter a romantic relationship. Thus, some people decide to be platonically married to their best friend with whom they share a strong mutual bond.

Many people question, “can best friends get married” in mind and wonder if it will work. Being married to your best friend may seem odd, but it is possible. If you want to have someone you trust and get along with very well as a life partner, you should consider having a platonic marriage.

Different kinds of platonic marriages

Man and woman wearing Christmas sweater

Platonic marriages are generally marriages between two best friends. In fact, according to a study, about two-thirds of couples in a relationship start as friends. This is the same for most couples in a platonic marriage, except that there is no romantic and sexual exchange between both parties.

Couples who go from best friends to platonic spouses do not experience any changes when they get married. They are still best friends, except they have agreed to become life partners.

If you are wondering what types of relationships platonic marriages involve, read on to learn more.

Opposite-sex Platonic Marriage

This involves two people of the opposite sex being in a platonic marriage. Although this type is very rare in platonic relationships, it exists.


This platonic marriage involves two men being affectionate and sharing a close and non-sexual bond without a romantic connection.

Related Reading:Do Men Prefer a Bromance More Than a Romantic Relationship?


This type of platonic marriage involves two women being affectionate and sharing a close and non-sexual bond without a romantic connection.

Work spouse

This kind of Platonic marriage involves two co-workers or colleagues having a close and non-sexual bond without a romantic connection.

Can a platonic relationship exist outside a marriage?

Man having conversation sitting on chair

Platonic relationships have been controversial for years. Many people find it odd, intriguing, and highly interesting, especially those who only know about typical romantic relationships. Many people don’t even know the platonic marriage meaning even to this date.

On the other hand, some people find a platonic relationship as their hope of not growing old alone and having a life partner without any romantic or sexual obligation.

The straightforward answer is yes if you are wondering if a platonic relationship is possible outside marriage. However, it can be complicated.

If you are married and have someone you are in a platonic relationship with, your spouse can become jealous, which may lead to your marriage becoming dull or impaired. Therefore, while it is possible to have a platonic relationship with another person while you are married, you should be aware of its negative consequences.

Is a platonic relationship right for you?

Many people who are used to being in a typical romantic relationship may find platonic relationships pointless as their idea of a relationship involves a romantic and intimate connection.

However, if you open your mind and understand the real purpose and perks of being in a platonic relationship, you’ll understand why some people prefer this commitment. You’ll also learn a lot from the best platonic spouses who have been together for years.

Here are some ways to tell whether a platonic relationship is right for you.

1. You are not ready to commit to a romantic relationship

Do you have someone with whom you share a special but non-romantic or sexual bond? However, you may not be ready to enter a romantic relationship yet. Then you might consider being in a platonic relationship instead.

Although romance is not involved in this kind of relationship, you can be with someone close to you and share life adventures freely.

Related Reading:20 Mistakes Women Make When They Want a Guy to Commit

2. You are afraid of being heartbroken

Heartbreaks from romantic relationships often come from disappointments, jealousy, or infidelity. When you are in a platonic relationship, you don’t have any obligation to maintain a romantic connection. This is because you and your partner are essentially best friends who just decided to be together in a non-romantic and non-sexual relationship.

3. You don’t plan on having kids

Because platonic marriages do not involve intimacy and creating a family, you are not pressured into having kids. This is ideal for people who don’t see themselves having kids in the future for personal reasons.

4. You are afraid of the challenges most typical couples face

Being in a romantic relationship and maintaining it can be a lot of work. Most couples, no matter how perfect their relationships may seem, are bound to face several hurdles.

If you are someone who would rather be single than have to deal with the ups and downs of a relationship, you should consider being in a Platonic relationship with your best friend.

Takeaways from platonic marriages

Although not as widely accepted, platonic marriages offer many advantages for couples who want to have a life partner without any romantic or sexual commitment.

Spending the rest of your life with your best friend allows you to be with someone you trust and who shares the same interests and values. An article published by Daily Titan entails how platonic relationships enrich a person’s life for numerous reasons.

Frequently asked questions about platonic marriages

Man and woman sitting on chair

Here are answers to some of the frequently asked questions about platonic relationships or marriages.

1. Are platonic relationships worth it?

There are many reasons why some people prefer to be in a platonic relationship rather than a typical romantic kind. One of the reasons is they are not ready to commit to a romantic relationship and face the challenges that come along with it.

If you find entering a typical relationship daunting, you should look into having a Platonic relationship with someone you share a special, non-romantic bond with.

2. How do you deal with platonic marriage?

Your platonic marriage can prosper and last if you know your limitations and respect each other’s boundaries. Being platonically married is not for everyone. However, if you are happy and content with being life partners with your best friend, this kind of marriage will surely enrich your life.

3. Can a couple have a platonic relationship?

Yes. Many married couples on the verge of separation choose to have a Platonic marriage instead of divorce. Thus, instead of going through a hectic and financially draining divorce, many couples choose to stay married even if romance or intimacy is no longer present in their relationships.

So, friends?

Now that you know what a platonic marriage is, how it works, and its benefits, you should be more open to entering a non-romantic and non-intimate relationship with someone you are close to.

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