Chủ Nhật, 19 tháng 3, 2023

Top 10 Persistent Myths About Marriage

Posted by Married Blog on tháng 3 19, 2023 with No comments

Newly married couple

The internet, social media, and society are filled with many myths about marriage. Sometimes, these myths are borne out of the bad experiences people in marriages have had.

Then again, some of these myths are handed down across generations; children learn them from their parents and move on to teach their children the same.

In this article, we will uncover some of the common marriage myths. The idea behind this is to help you see what is true and what isn’t.

Then again, you will discover exactly what you must do when discovering these myths about marriage.

Top 10 persistent myths about marriage

Man holding a cup beside woman

Here are some marriage myths that seem to have dragged on for years.

1. Healthy marriages come naturally

This is probably one of the most common myths about marriage. The truth is that marriage (and relationships, by extension) is hard work. It takes a lot of discipline, courage, and consistency to make a marriage work.

The gift called ‘a healthy marriage’ is given to nobody. If you want a healthy marriage, you must work for it.

2. Having a conflict is a sign that your marriage has crashed

One thing research has proven many times is that conflict can be resolved in marriages. The fact that you are going through a rough patch with your spouse doesn’t automatically mean that your marriage is doomed to hit the rocks.

There’s no healthy marriage that is devoid of conflict. You are both humans – with different opinions and concepts about life. At some point, a conflict is bound to come up. What matters is how you’re committed to resolving conflicts when they arise.

3. Being married will automatically bring happiness to a sad life

Here’s one of the biggest secrets of marriage. Here is no voodoo to marriage that will bring happiness to a sad life.

A happy marriage is the product of two happy people committed to having a union.

To have a happy marriage, you must first be a single happy person. This way, you bring your positive energy into the relationship, and there’s every chance that things will only get better when you meet someone happy just as you are.

How can you create happiness in your life? Watch this video to know more.

4. Your sex life will automatically get boring once you get married

This isn’t completely true. Your sex life will only get boring when you are with someone you are no longer attracted to, you have stopped putting in the required effort to enjoy your sex life, or other responsibilities are vying for your attention.

Apart from these, your sex life can remain satisfying even after many years. Here are many older couples who still report having satisfying sex lives and young couples who can’t get their sexual groove on again.

5. Your spouse should be able to accept all of you without any need to change

This is another common myth of marriage that you may want to reassess.

While your spouse needs to love and appreciate you for who you are, there’s no rule that they have to indefinitely keep up with your excesses – especially when you aren’t making any conscious efforts to turn over a new leaf.

Put yourself in your partner’s shoes for one minute. If you were them, would you be comfortable with someone acting as you do? If your answer is no, you need to make conscious efforts to become a better person.

Your spouse will accept you. However, they should also be able to challenge you to grow as well.

6. Your marriage gives you a sense of purpose and fulfillment

If this is your idea of marriage, you may want to take a break and reassess what you have believed. You won’t find fulfillment and purpose in marriage.

As a single person, you must be able to find your purpose and be fulfilled with whatever you’ve been doing. Believing that you’ll automatically be fulfilled once you say “I do” is not the most practical thought.

Find fulfillment and purpose by yourself before getting married.

7. Living together before marriage guarantees a better experience after the wedding

This is one of the most common myths about marriage that you may want to rethink (if you currently think that way). Surprisingly, there are no statistics to prove this myth.

Research has shown that couples who cohabit before marriage have greater marriage instability than couples who do not cohabit. This study revealed that couples who cohabitate before marriage demonstrated more negative and less positive problem-solving skills than those who didn’t cohabit.

Now, this is not to say that cohabiting (or not) is now the gold standard. It is to bring to your notice that it is up to you to decide the type of post-wedding experience you want. Cohabiting or not is not the guarantee that you’ll be fine once you get married.

8. Your true love will know what to do and say to make you happy

The concept of true love has been misunderstood for a while. Most people believe that meeting their true love will be like a fairytale. They believe their true love will know all the right things to say, what they must do to keep them happy, and will always be on standby to make them happy.

The challenge is that your true love is not psychic. Just like you, they’re human and need your cooperation to make you happy. Being satisfied in a relationship results from many factors, including the health of your communication.

If you want something, you’ve got to open your mouth and say it. Also, bear in mind that your true love is a human too. They’ll be coming with their demands.

9. Getting married automatically means having kids

One of the facts about marriage that you must keep in mind is that it is up to you to decide if you want kids or not. You can be happily married and decide that you don’t want to have kids.

Thankfully, many medical procedures can help you accomplish this in today’s world.

Marriage doesn’t always mean that you’ll soon be getting a whole swarm of children in your life. You can take your time, have them when you feel ready, or decide not to have them. In all, make sure your partner is on the same page as you.

Related Reading: How to Know If You Are Ready to Start a Family?

10. Happy couples do everything together

Some people believe that the classic sign of a happy marriage is that both partners do everything together. They eat together, bathe, work in the same place, watch movies, and even go on vacation together.

While spending quality time with your partner is an important part of every successful marriage, please do not let go of your interests, hobbies, and ambitions along the line.

It is okay to want what your partner doesn’t want (As long as it doesn’t harm the relationship or either of you). It is okay to want some “me time” every time. It is also fine to have a life and friends outside your marriage.

All these elements come together to make you a happy, healthy human who can satisfy your spouse in marriage.


Here are some of the important frequently asked questions regarding myths about marriage.

Smiling man laying on grass

1. What is the hardest year of marriage?

The hardest year of marriage is the first year. Most times, there are many reasons for this. Some of them include that you have to move in with a new person, learn their tastes and preferences, adjust your lifestyle to suit them, and understand their habits.

Then again, if you have always been in love with your company, the first year of marriage can be the most frustrating because, at this point, you’d be opening your otherwise-secluded life to another. This cannot be very comforting.

This research also suggests that the first decade of the marriage can be tricky to deal with.

2. What are the secrets of marriage?

There are many secrets to marriage. Some of them include keeping the peace, forgiveness and compromise, constant deep communication, the decision to enjoy the time you spend with your spouse, and many other secrets that will keep your marriage healthy.

3. What is the most common marriage problem?

Ans: one of the most common problems that many married couples (especially those that have been married for a while) tend to face is lack of communication.

This slowly eats away at their marriage until they are left alone and bitter. Lack of communication must be addressed immediately if you intend to enjoy a healthy marriage.

The takeaway

There are many common myths about marriage that you must let go of if you intend to enjoy a happy relationship with your spouse. We have covered 20 of the most common ones in this article.

Take all the time you need for them to sink in and commit to having a happy marriage.

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What Is a Platonic Marriage and Is It Right for You?

Posted by Married Blog on tháng 3 19, 2023 with No comments

Man leaning on woman

In This Article

If you are not well aware that sexless marriages exist, then you probably haven’t heard of a platonic marriage before. Various controversies have surrounded this kind of relationship over the years, as many people find it bizarre; some may even think it’s impossible.

Surprisingly, sexless relationships are prevalent these days. Some people choose to stay in this kind of relationship for personal reasons.

To know more about platonic relationships and marriages, continue reading this article.

What is a platonic marriage?

Woman leaning on man

Platonic marriage is something you probably don’t hear about a lot. However, platonic relationships have long existed in society and are prevalent even to date.

Most people have the same knowledge about relationships; it involves two people with a mutual attraction and a desire for physical intimacy. However, it’s not always how it works, and it’s about time you widen your knowledge about relationships in general and discover what a platonic relationship is.

After knowing more about it, you will figure out whether this kind of marriage is for you or not.

Platonic marriage or platonic relationship is an idea that originated from ancient Greek Philosophy and was cited by the brilliant thinker and writer Plato in his dialogue called “Symposium.” The term “Platonic” was derived from the great writer’s name.

A platonic marriage involves two people sharing a close bond but not indulging in any sexual activity. Platonic spouses may feel affection toward each other, which is called “Platonic love.”

In other words, a platonic marriage involves two people being very close friends. Platonic marriages can involve same-sex or opposite-sex friendships.

According to a study, people in platonic relationships do not share beyond a quick hug or a peck on the cheek.

How well do platonic marriages work? Here is a video that throws more light on it.

Advantages of platonic marriages

People have different preferences regarding the type of relationships they want to be in. Some people wish to be in a relationship with someone they can be physically intimate with. Other people, on the other hand, want to be with someone with whom they can share a close bond without having any sexual contact.

While others might think platonic marriages will not work, many couples in this type of relationship have been together happily for years. It is because platonic marriage offers many benefits, including those listed below.

1. It is effortless

A Platonic marriage is surprisingly simple and uncomplicated, unlike romantic relationships. Just two very close friends deciding to spend the rest of their lives together without any pressure of keeping a romantic connection. This kind of marriage is so much easier for many reasons.

If you are afraid of entering marriage because of the pressures that come with it, then being in a platonic relationship with someone you are close to is worth trying out.

2. There is no pressure

Due to the lack of romantic connections, couples in Platonic marriages do not go through the challenges typical couples go through most of the time. Relationship turmoil’s such as infidelity, lack of communication, jealousy, boredom, and so on are not likely to happen in platonically married couples.

Because there is less chance for most Platonic couples to face what typical couples face, they experience less pressure and more freedom to be themselves within their marriage.

3. It is comfortable

Being in a platonic life partnership with your best friend allows you just to be yourself and not feel the need to please anyone. Sharing a strong bond with the person you are closest to gives you the ultimate freedom to be your most authentic self and have a life partner at the same time.

Unlike typical romantic relationships, platonic marriages do not need much work and tend to flow freely. Couples, from best friends to platonic spouses, tend to be more honest and open toward each other. They also tend to feel more comfortable sharing their thoughts with their spouses.

4. You have fewer obligations

Because there is no romantic connection in a platonic marriage, couples will have fewer to no obligations in their relationship. One does not have to worry about the usual problems in typical relationships. In addition, a Platonic husband or wife does not feel obliged to satisfy their spouse’s sexual needs.

Having fewer obligations will keep your marriage flowing naturally and freely. You face fewer issues that often tarnish your bond and undermine your relationship.

5. You share a strong bond

Having a life partnership with your best friend through a platonic marriage offers a number of benefits:

  • You get to spend a lifetime with the person you are closest to the most.
  • You won’t feel the pressures most couples in romantic relationships experience.
  • You get someone you trust as a lifelong companion.

A platonic marriage is perfect for people who are afraid of growing old but don’t want to commit to a typical marriage involving romance and intimacy.

6. Respect is prevalent

Since a platonic relationship in marriage does not involve romantic and sexual elements, both parties can understand and acknowledge their spouse’s boundaries. Both parties understand that they are in a platonic marriage and that their needs are different from typical married couples.

Because understanding is commonplace in platonic marriage, respect is prevalent as a result.

Related Reading:10 Essential Tips to Foster Love and Respect in Your Marriage

7. You spare yourself from being heartbroken

A romantic relationship can be demanding and exhausting at times. Once couples fail to tend to their partner’s emotional and sexual needs, problems will arise, and their relationship may end up in a messy breakup.

But since platonic marriages do not involve the typical issues romantic couples go through, Platonic couples are less likely to experience heartbreaks.

Breakups can be extremely emotionally draining. Spare yourself from it and consider being in a platonic relationship instead.

8. You get a dependable life partner

Growing old alone is scary for many people. However, not everyone wants to enter a romantic relationship. Thus, some people decide to be platonically married to their best friend with whom they share a strong mutual bond.

Many people question, “can best friends get married” in mind and wonder if it will work. Being married to your best friend may seem odd, but it is possible. If you want to have someone you trust and get along with very well as a life partner, you should consider having a platonic marriage.

Different kinds of platonic marriages

Man and woman wearing Christmas sweater

Platonic marriages are generally marriages between two best friends. In fact, according to a study, about two-thirds of couples in a relationship start as friends. This is the same for most couples in a platonic marriage, except that there is no romantic and sexual exchange between both parties.

Couples who go from best friends to platonic spouses do not experience any changes when they get married. They are still best friends, except they have agreed to become life partners.

If you are wondering what types of relationships platonic marriages involve, read on to learn more.

Opposite-sex Platonic Marriage

This involves two people of the opposite sex being in a platonic marriage. Although this type is very rare in platonic relationships, it exists.


This platonic marriage involves two men being affectionate and sharing a close and non-sexual bond without a romantic connection.

Related Reading:Do Men Prefer a Bromance More Than a Romantic Relationship?


This type of platonic marriage involves two women being affectionate and sharing a close and non-sexual bond without a romantic connection.

Work spouse

This kind of Platonic marriage involves two co-workers or colleagues having a close and non-sexual bond without a romantic connection.

Can a platonic relationship exist outside a marriage?

Man having conversation sitting on chair

Platonic relationships have been controversial for years. Many people find it odd, intriguing, and highly interesting, especially those who only know about typical romantic relationships. Many people don’t even know the platonic marriage meaning even to this date.

On the other hand, some people find a platonic relationship as their hope of not growing old alone and having a life partner without any romantic or sexual obligation.

The straightforward answer is yes if you are wondering if a platonic relationship is possible outside marriage. However, it can be complicated.

If you are married and have someone you are in a platonic relationship with, your spouse can become jealous, which may lead to your marriage becoming dull or impaired. Therefore, while it is possible to have a platonic relationship with another person while you are married, you should be aware of its negative consequences.

Is a platonic relationship right for you?

Many people who are used to being in a typical romantic relationship may find platonic relationships pointless as their idea of a relationship involves a romantic and intimate connection.

However, if you open your mind and understand the real purpose and perks of being in a platonic relationship, you’ll understand why some people prefer this commitment. You’ll also learn a lot from the best platonic spouses who have been together for years.

Here are some ways to tell whether a platonic relationship is right for you.

1. You are not ready to commit to a romantic relationship

Do you have someone with whom you share a special but non-romantic or sexual bond? However, you may not be ready to enter a romantic relationship yet. Then you might consider being in a platonic relationship instead.

Although romance is not involved in this kind of relationship, you can be with someone close to you and share life adventures freely.

Related Reading:20 Mistakes Women Make When They Want a Guy to Commit

2. You are afraid of being heartbroken

Heartbreaks from romantic relationships often come from disappointments, jealousy, or infidelity. When you are in a platonic relationship, you don’t have any obligation to maintain a romantic connection. This is because you and your partner are essentially best friends who just decided to be together in a non-romantic and non-sexual relationship.

3. You don’t plan on having kids

Because platonic marriages do not involve intimacy and creating a family, you are not pressured into having kids. This is ideal for people who don’t see themselves having kids in the future for personal reasons.

4. You are afraid of the challenges most typical couples face

Being in a romantic relationship and maintaining it can be a lot of work. Most couples, no matter how perfect their relationships may seem, are bound to face several hurdles.

If you are someone who would rather be single than have to deal with the ups and downs of a relationship, you should consider being in a Platonic relationship with your best friend.

Takeaways from platonic marriages

Although not as widely accepted, platonic marriages offer many advantages for couples who want to have a life partner without any romantic or sexual commitment.

Spending the rest of your life with your best friend allows you to be with someone you trust and who shares the same interests and values. An article published by Daily Titan entails how platonic relationships enrich a person’s life for numerous reasons.

Frequently asked questions about platonic marriages

Man and woman sitting on chair

Here are answers to some of the frequently asked questions about platonic relationships or marriages.

1. Are platonic relationships worth it?

There are many reasons why some people prefer to be in a platonic relationship rather than a typical romantic kind. One of the reasons is they are not ready to commit to a romantic relationship and face the challenges that come along with it.

If you find entering a typical relationship daunting, you should look into having a Platonic relationship with someone you share a special, non-romantic bond with.

2. How do you deal with platonic marriage?

Your platonic marriage can prosper and last if you know your limitations and respect each other’s boundaries. Being platonically married is not for everyone. However, if you are happy and content with being life partners with your best friend, this kind of marriage will surely enrich your life.

3. Can a couple have a platonic relationship?

Yes. Many married couples on the verge of separation choose to have a Platonic marriage instead of divorce. Thus, instead of going through a hectic and financially draining divorce, many couples choose to stay married even if romance or intimacy is no longer present in their relationships.

So, friends?

Now that you know what a platonic marriage is, how it works, and its benefits, you should be more open to entering a non-romantic and non-intimate relationship with someone you are close to.

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15 Lessons Love Has Taught Us

Posted by Married Blog on tháng 3 19, 2023 with No comments

Happy couple looking at each other

In This Article

Indeed, love is a beautiful thing. As one of the world’s best languages, many lessons of love can help us. Read on to learn about them.

What is the meaning of love?

The world is a big place. As you live your life, you build connections with people. Some of these relationships last, while others force you to self-reflect deeply. In all of these, you will learn to understand others better and how valuable love is.

What is love, then?

Love is peaceful and fulfilling. It is your deep affection, emotions, and concern for others. To love is to put the feelings of others above yours. That is selfless and remarkable! When you love intentionally, it opens up a door of possibility and connections.

Some events might make you question the role of love and equate it with hatred, loss, death, jealousy, or lust. But it doesn’t change the nature of love. These events, like other situations in life, are bound to happen. The meaning of love doesn’t change.

Regardless of what you may be experiencing, there are life lessons of love to help you navigate many challenges. Learning them will put hope into your heart and open your eyes to the great opportunity waiting for you. Learn about the lessons of love in the following paragraphs.

30 important lessons of love

Woman embracing near the beach

There are many lessons in love if you pay close attention to your relationships. These love lessons help us appreciate life and the people around us better.

1. You need self-love

One of the most important lessons of love is that self-love is non-negotiable. One mistake many people make when building a relationship or connection with others is forgetting to love themselves.

Before you give others love, your cup of self-affection must be full. You can’t pour from an empty cup. When you love yourself, you value others more and can love passionately and selflessly.

2. Make the most out of life

One of the top lessons of life is to make the most out of your life. The world is full of challenges that can make you forget how to live. Also, it’s tempting to get lost in the process of having a better life and neglect your friends and family members.

However, you must learn to go back to the drawing board and sketch out your best life.

3. Focus on the most important things

Another lesson on love is to focus on the essential things in your life. Life has a way of making you ungrateful and unappreciative. This usually happens when you face issues and problems.

However, when you look at your life, there is always one thing or the other that you value.

Does your business make you feel happy or fulfilled? Is it your family, your spouse, or your children? Keep asking these questions until you arrive at a satisfying answer.

When you have them, direct all the energy that you have been exerting on specific issues to these valuable things in your life.

4. Take control of your life

One of the lessons in love and lessons for the lover is that you must learn to take control of your life. No matter what happens, you will only have yourself to deal with. You may get distracted and forget your purpose in life.

However, never forget that only you can turn your life around. Love teaches us that at the end of the day, you must put your life in place to accommodate others adequately.

5. You need to be selfless

Another love lesson you can’t ignore is that you sometimes have to be selfless. What does that even mean? Being selfless means you have no concern for your feelings. But it doesn’t mean you hate yourself.

Instead, you are just too engulfed in making others feel great that you forget yourself. Love is the only thing that can make you this way.

6. You need to be selfish

While this statement sounds counter-productive, you need it. Being selfish, sometimes, does not mean a bad thing. It means taking care and valuing yourself over others.

In certain situations, you might need to be selfish to help others. For instance, you need to look after yourself when you are sick before helping others in the same situation.

7. Love teaches us empathy

Empathy means understanding others’ feelings. It is one of the important lessons for the lover. Also, it is part of the foundation of our ability to care and show concern for others. It is vital to building intimacy and trust.

When you love another, you place their feelings and needs above yours. Empathy is often intrinsic in humans, but it is one of the lessons of love. Love helps you nurture it until you become confident in using it.

8. Love teaches forgiveness

Although love doesn’t teach you to overlook, it shows you how to forgive. When you love, you tend to understand their situation and circumstances. You may not forget what they did, but your love for them helps you forgive them. It helps you wave away any negative feelings you may have.

Related Reading:Help With Forgiveness in Marriage

Watch this video for some dating advice:

9. Love teaches you to let go of expectations

One of the lessons about life that love teaches you is to expect less. Indeed, we all know how we want people to act. We have our definition of affection and want others to show us.

We may want wealthy, intelligent, or ambitious people. These are all expectations that may or may not be fulfilled. However, love has no expectations. It is pure and clean.

Related Reading:5 Relationship Expectations That Are Harmful for Couples

10. Love shows you your friends

You may not have an idea what love is. However, the moment you experience it, it becomes invigorating. You become enlightened and see things.

You process things from another perspective. Then, you know who has been there for you. In essence, love is redemption.

11. Change is inevitable

Another important love lesson is that you can’t avoid change. It is the only constant thing in life. It’s often comfortable and convenient to stick to one thing, job, principle, belief, orientation, etc. But when you face rejection, you will be forced to change.

Love is beautiful, but heartbreak makes you return to the drawing board. It brings about a transformative arrangement that you can’t avoid. Later, you will realize that the change was necessary to motivate you.

12. You will care about some people

Another valuable lesson about love is that you will care about some people. You may have gone through heartbreaks or experienced disappointment.

However, you will be forced to care for certain people. These include your children, spouse, parents, siblings, or friends.

13. Love is everywhere

One of the lessons for the lover is that you can find love anywhere. Rihanna’s song, “We found love in a hopeless place,” emphasizes this fact. Don’t belittle yourself or think love is made with you.

You can experience love anywhere on earth as long as you are open to it.

14. You must be open to love

Certain experiences about love can deter you from forging ahead in life. When you experience heartbreaks repeatedly, you are bound to resist the possibility of loving again.

However, it’s vital to be open to it. That way, love will find you anywhere you are without even trying.

Related Reading:25 Ways to Love Someone Deeply

15. You can ask for help

Another lesson in love is that asking for help is okay. There is no shame in it. It’s understandable if you find it challenging to seek people’s assistance, especially if you were raised to be self-sufficient.

Nonetheless, going through heartbreaks or issues alone is not advisable. Believe that there are people in life willing to help you. All you need is to ask.

16. There are silver linings

The repeated saying “every cloud has a silver lining” may sound like a cliche. But it’s the truth. You will get that breakthrough eventually. However, you have to live through the heartbreak or issue.

For example, you may need to ensure the pain of losing someone to understand that you should value why you have. Similarly, a terrible heartbreak can lead you to your ideal partner. This is one of the best life lessons about love.

17. Love doesn’t blame others

It can be heartbreaking when your loved ones disappoint you. It’s more painful when they betray your trust.

However, you should know one love lesson: love doesn’t take things personally. It forgives and allows other people’s actions to be their lessons through love.

18. Love is unconditional

One of the life lessons about love is that it is unconditional” many times. It means love has no expectations or limitations. It is intentional.

Love teaches you to be content and shows affection to others without expecting anything in return. You aim to love and build around what you see.

19. Love is more of an action

Love is originally a feeling. But as you go ahead in your relationship, the real work starts. It won’t be about your words anymore but more about actions. After proclaiming your feelings, it’s crucial to back them up with actions geared towards proofing your affection.

20. Love compromises

Couple buying groceries

One of the important lessons of love is compromise. Love is flexible, and it adjusts to the needs and satisfaction of others. While this doesn’t mean neglecting your needs, it emphasizes the need to adapt to new situations.

It is also satisfying when you compromise for someone that reciprocates your love.

21. Love may mean letting go

As weird as it sounds, letting go means love. The saying goes, “If you love something, set it free. If it comes back, it’s yours. If it doesn’t, then it never was.” Love is not coercion.

Therefore, if you have tried your best to hold on to some, but nothing works, you may need to let them go. That means you love them enough to allow them to have their wish.

22. Love is not aggressive

Aggressiveness is not a lesson in love. Love is gentle and calm. It doesn’t inflict pain or make you sad.

No matter how others try to swing it, it is the mildest thing you will experience. Love cares and ensures you have the best life.

23. Love doesn’t harbor fear

Love teaches us courage. It is brave and intentional. In love, you can put all your emotions on a person without assuming any consequence. With love, you have joy, contentment, peace, and satisfaction.

The other side of these emotions includes hatred, jealousy, and insecurity. When you have the best of love, these qualities are nowhere to be found.

24. Love teaches contentment

Do you seek the meaning of love? Then you should know love is contentment. It is the satisfaction that you have about your spouse. It is your belief in your partner; regardless of the circumstances, you find yourself.

Even when others feel differently, you are happy with your present experience of love. Others may have it different or “perfect.” But yours feel great and refreshing.

25. Love is not desperate

What is love? Love may be one of the best feelings, but it doesn’t mean desperate. Many people have different interpretations of what love should be.

One is going after what you desire and doing everything to get it. This isn’t wholly true.

You may go after what or who you want and do certain things to get it. However, it doesn’t teach desperation. Instead, it teaches patience and initiative – knowing when it’s the right time to let go.

26. Love can bring out the worst in you

A vital love lesson is that as much as love is associated with a positive value, it can bring out the worst in people. You can love your partner with everything yet show your weakness or shortcomings.

This lesson on love is crucial as you forge ahead in your relationship. It teaches you that people can’t always be perfect. The goal is to find balance or common ground to build connections.

27. Independence is as important as love

One of the lessons about love is that you need independence. Many people give up their independence because of love. However, this is a wrong move.

Love values independence. Without it, you can’t build self-confidence and self-esteem. These human qualities are what you need to love profoundly.

28. Emotions can waver

One of the rare lessons of love is that emotions can be fleeting. Relationships with people over the years teach us that people change, along with their version of love.

This often happens when people experience new situations meet people or change location.

Wavering emotions don’t necessarily mean a bad thing. Nonetheless, it teaches you to be watchful while building affection or intimacy.

29. Love teaches patience

When you love someone, you tend to give them many chances. Giving people opportunities to prove themselves or correct their mistakes mean you are patient.

It may take a while, but you will be hopeful. Meanwhile, patience doesn’t mean enduring. It means you have the foresight to trust the result.

Related Reading:15 Ways to Have More Patience in a Relationship

30. Love is understanding

Another excellent love lesson is that it understands. If you love someone, you give them time. Also, you take time to understand their personality, principles, beliefs, likes, dislikes, strengths, and weaknesses.


Couple sitting near grass field

Here are some frequently asked questions about lessons in love.

What is the best lesson for love?

The best lesson about love is that it makes you feel better and good. It will never require you to sacrifice your happiness for the comfort of others. Under no circumstances will love to make you sad. Instead, it gives you the purest joy.

Can a person be taught to love?

Yes, a person can learn how to love. Thus doesn’t necessarily mean using a pen and paper. Instead, you can teach a person to love by showing love through your actions. You must be willing to have honest communication with them about your needs. Also, let them communicate their desires.

Love is a language

Love involves a deep feeling and affection for others. Mainly, it means putting the feelings and concerns of others. The lessons of love teach us to understand life better. It helps us sail through many challenges we might face.

Also, it makes you believe in yourself and others. We hope the lessons about love in this article help you get what you want out of your relationship.

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20 Insights in the Law of Polarity in Relationships

Posted by Married Blog on tháng 3 19, 2023 with No comments

Young couple having problem in their relationship

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You may have heard of the term relationship polarity but are not sure what it means or how to achieve it in your relationship. This article will provide advice on this subject, so you can determine if you are using the law of polarity well in your relationship. Keep reading for more information.

What is the law of polarity in a relationship?

So, what is relationship polarity? This refers to the idea that two poles should be present in each relationship. One person must have feminine energy, and the other should have masculine energy. Together these things will attract.

Does polarity mean attraction?

If you learned about how magnets attract each other in school, you would understand more about the matching energy in relationships that polarity covers. For instance, if there are 2 feminine energies in the relationship, the couple may become unattractive to each other, and the same goes for 2 masculine energies.

In general terms, all relationships need feminine and masculine energy polarity to stay attracted to each other. Otherwise, their personalities could cause them to repel each other.

What is masculine polarity?

Masculine polarity is a bit different than feminine. It may help you stay sure of yourself, make decisions, and be able to work through issues, and it may help the feminine energy in your relationship to become comfortable when you behave this way.

For instance, with a masculine polarity, you may not express your feelings often and be sure when working towards accomplishing something. For more on what does masculine polarity means, you may want to read more on the topic.

What is feminine polarity?

Feminine polarity could lead you to be a nurturer and caregiver. You might be emotional, but you may also be able to feel things that your masculine counterpart cannot.

For instance, you could tend to follow your heart when meeting your goals instead of thinking things out logistically. If you like making new friends and working with groups of people in different aspects of your life, you may have feminine polarity.

For more information on female and male polarity in a relationship, check out this video:

20 insights in the law of polarity in relationships

Regarding relationship polarity, it may not be easy to get it just right unless you work at it. Here’s a look at how you can create polarity in relationships when trying to strengthen your bond with someone.

1. Men are typically masculine

While this isn’t always the case, men frequently carry masculine energy in a relationship. When they do, they can take charge and make decisions and may also make you feel safe.

If you enjoy how your partner acts with this energy, you should tell them what you like about them.

2. Women are typically feminine

On the other hand, females generally have feminine energy. This is what could cause them to be a good teacher or nurturer when you aren’t feeling your best or when they are taking care of pets or children.

Feminine polarity could cause you to be emotional and flighty, but these are things you can work on if they become a problem.

Related Reading:Difference Between Feminine and Masculine Energies in a Relationship

3. You need to know what you want

When trying to balance feminine and masculine polarity in your relationship, both of you need to know what you want out of the relationship.

If you are trying to change each other and aren’t sure what exactly you want in the future, this can be problematic and lead to arguments.

4. Expressing yourself is key

It is okay to make yourself heard in any relationship. If your partner is doing things that are out of character for them or leaning towards the opposite type of energy than they normally have, you must let them know what is happening.

It could be that there is an issue with the balance of polarity that needs to be addressed.

5. You should be aware of how you act

To maintain a balance of polarity in your relationship, you will also need to be aware of how you act. It won’t do any good to tell your partner that they need to change if you aren’t willing to do the same.

Perhaps you aren’t letting them be the masculine force, and you must concentrate on acting like yourself, so they can too.

6. You can depolarize

Again, it is important to remember that your energy isn’t absolute. For instance, you may have feminine energy and still have a few masculine traits.

This is okay as long as it doesn’t upset the balance of your relationship polarity. If it does, this could depolarize or change your attraction to one another.

7. You have to work at it

It is unlikely that you will find the right polarity attraction chemistry overnight. This is something that will take work.

However, when you know how you act and how your partner acts, it may be easier to determine who carries which energy and cultivate these things in each other.

8. It’s okay to be you

Regardless of your energy type, it is okay to be you. All types of relationships need a balance, so as long as you and your partner are maintaining one, this could be something that works for you.

Of course, if you want to make changes within yourself, this is something that is okay as well.

Related Reading:5 Ways Being Self-Aware Can Help Improve a Relationship

9. Feel free to talk about it

You should make sure that you are talking to your partner about the things that are working and what aren’t working.

Research indicates that an individual may appreciate discussing your relationship with you when you talk to them the way they like to be talked to.

Keep this in mind when trying to get the point across to your mate, and it may be worthwhile.

Happy couple smiling

10. Be honest with your mate

Hiding things from your mate is usually not a good idea, and this is also the case regarding relationship polarity. Let them know how they make you feel, both good and bad, and how you would like them to change their behavior, if likely.

You will need to be fair and allow them to say these things to you as well, however. When you can talk to each other about emotions, this could be beneficial, especially in a clinical setting.

11. Talk about rules

It would help if you talked about rules with each other in the early part of your relationship. If you have not done so, you need to discuss what your rules are and what their rules consist of.

This can help you not upset each other and know what is expected. For example, if you need someone that is going to have your back no matter what, this is something that you must express to your partner. Otherwise, they will have no idea what you expect.

12. Talk about boundaries

Another thing that you should talk about before considering your relationship polarity is your boundaries. These are the lines that you won’t cross in your relationship.

Chances are that there are things you will not put up with, and your partner may have some of their own. Don’t be afraid to be as open and honest with your mate as possible, especially if you want a long-term relationship with them.

There’s no bad time, to be honest with each other when you are trying to grow your bond.

Related Reading:15 Ways of Setting Boundaries in a New Relationship

13. You are a work in progress

Finding the proper relationship polarity is something that may take time. Don’t worry if it doesn’t happen overnight. You may have been in relationships where you had to take a role that you didn’t want to, which now affects how you act.

At the same time, if you are dating someone that you are compatible with, this is something that can change when you can align your energies with each other.

14. You should learn about you

It can be helpful to find out all you can about yourself before you talk to your partner about changes you would like them to make. Consider that they may be acting a certain way because you are acting in a specific manner.

Think about how your actions affect theirs and determine if you both need to address what is happening.

15. Always take time for yourself

To learn more about yourself, you will need to spend time by yourself. Try to take time doing things that you like to do. You may want to learn new hobbies, read books, stream your favorite movies, or hang out with friends. There’s no wrong way to be you, so take care of yourself.

Happy couple standing outside

16. Reassure each other

As you and your partner learn how to get your relationship polarity on track, you must encourage each other.

When you can talk about what you like about your partner, this may give them the push they need to take the lead in a relationship or allow you to do whatever works in your situation.

Related Reading:Seeking Reassurance in a Relationship? 12 Ways to Rest Assured

17. It’s okay to talk to someone

You don’t have to go it alone while trying to improve your relationship. Talk to people you know and trust if you need advice or want someone to listen to you.

They may have had similar experiences or be able to provide you with their distinct point of view on a subject. They might also be truthful with you about how you act.

18. Therapy can help

There’s nothing wrong with working with a therapist if you feel that it could help improve your relationship polarity.

Couples therapy could be a good choice for you and your partner, where you can get a personalized approach to address any concerns or issues you are having within your relationship.

Moreover, therapy may help you discover more about which polarity each of you is expressing.

19. You can find a balance

Finding a balance may take some work, but it isn’t impossible. When you have a partner with whom you would like to find polarity, it may be sensible to keep trying.

Talk to them about how you feel, what you like about them, what you don’t like, and your future plans. After some time, you may be able to find a balance that works just right for your relationship.

20. Clear communication helps

Be kind and clear each time you talk to your partner. This can help you get your point across, and it may also help you both be able to be true to the energy you give off.

There’s no reason to hide your feelings or true intentions, and you likely wouldn’t want someone to do this to you. Consider this when you are speaking with your mate, no matter what the topic is.

Related Reading:10 Effective Communication Skills in Relationships for Healthy Marriages


When it comes to relationship polarity, this is something that may take some work to get just right with any couple. However, when you are honest with each other, communicate effectively, and can reassure one another regarding what is working and what isn’t, these things can go a long way.

Besides, it may be helpful to talk to loved ones, friends, or even a therapist if you need further help talking to your partner, figuring out what type of energy you have, or even addressing your behavior.

Remember that it can take a while to align your energies with each other, so don’t be too hard on yourself. When you are both willing to put in an effort, this is something that can keep you going and strengthen your relationship. Keep at it and lean on each other for the support you need to keep going.

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How to Be Playful in a Relationship: 20 Effective Tips

Posted by Married Blog on tháng 3 19, 2023 with No comments

Couple playing pillow fight

In This Article

Learning how to be playful in a relationship can bring you and your partner unexpected emotional and physical benefits.

What does playful mean in a relationship? Playfulness in a relationship is being lighthearted and fun. It’s doing something to surprise them or make them laugh.

Keep reading to learn why a sense of humor matters in a relationship and find tips on how to become a playful couple – especially if you are on the shy side.

How to be playful in a relationship?

The type of play you like depends on your hobbies and personality.

If you like games, then couples’ sports or board games may be the way you let out your silly side.

If you love wit and banter, flirtation and joking around might be more your speed.

Be careful not to cross any boundaries when learning how to be more playful with your spouse. You would never want to do anything to hurt or embarrass them in the name of fun.

Stick to play that you can both enjoy.

What does it mean when someone is playful?

Couple having fun together

Playfulness in a relationship means you and your spouse know how to joke around and have fun. It’s also a form of flirtation.

Flirting naturally makes your spouse feel good about themselves. Playful flirtation makes others feel special and desired. It can also open the lines of communication, which research shows lead to happier and more positive relationships.

What can playfulness do for your relationship?

There is more to a playful relationship than just flirting and having fun. Research shows that playful partners reported feeling more satisfied and stable in their relationship. They also reported:

  • Positive emotions toward one another
  • Better conflict resolution skills and
  • Better communication

Keep reading to see the benefits that come when you learn how to be playful in a relationship.

20 tips to be playful with your partner

Happy couple playing guitar

If you want a more playful relationship, you’ve come to the right place. Here are 20 tips on how to bring levity and laughter into your relationship.

1. Be flirty

The first tip for how to be playful in a relationship is to flirt with your spouse.

A simple hand on the leg during dinner, a quick, suggestive raise of the eyebrow somewhere in public, or some flirty text messages will go a long way toward bringing a playful aspect to your relationship.

2. Cultivate a positive attitude

People respond well to positivity. If your partner feels you are too serious, it may be time to adjust your attitude. Show them your softer, sillier side, and invite them to join you by showing a positive, willing attitude.

Related Reading:15 Tips on How to Change Your Bad Attitude in a Relationship

3. Have a tickle fight

If your spouse likes being tickled, go wild! Have a tickle fight at home and let your laughter do the talking. Not only is it fun, but research shows that laughter boosts relationship satisfaction and is an important part of social bonding.

Show your spouse you’re not afraid of getting silly by inviting them to a tickle match.

4. Sing songs

If you want a more playful relationship, now is the time to banish your bashfulness and belt out your favorite songs together.

Play air guitar in the car, sing some childhood classics from musical movies you liked as a kid, or have a lip-sync battle.

Singing is a great way to let loose and have some fun with your partner.

5. Make silly videos

One tip for how to keep a relationship playful is to make silly videos together.

  • Do a Tik Tok dance together
  • Do a travel vlog during your next overseas adventure
  • Do a reaction video (the two of you reacting to a new album you’re both excited about, or trying new, wild foods together)

These videos are creative and fun way to display teamwork while bringing some light and levity to your relationship.

6. Leave love notes around the house

Another adorable tip for how to be playful in a relationship is to leave love notes around the house.

There is no better feeling than making your partner smile. Start by putting a sticky note on the bathroom mirror that says, “Just wanted to say I love you!” on it.

Get creative about where you put the notes. Some ideas are:

  • On the car steering wheel
  • In their lunch pail
  • In the dresser drawer
  • In their purse

And don’t be afraid to get silly when you write out the notes. “I love you more than ice cream cake!” or “I’d walk 100 miles for you with no shoes on!” are guaranteed to make your partner giggle.

7. Smile more often

If you’re not sure how to be more playful, start with a smile.

Smiling is a way to show warmth and bring levity to a conversation. It invites your partner to share positive emotions with you.

Research shows that your partner is more likely to anticipate a positive interaction when they see you smile.

Plus, when you smile (even if it’s a forced smile), your brain produces serotonin, which creates a flood of mood-elevating endorphins. This lowers your blood pressure, reduces stress, and boosts your immune system – all from one smile!

8. Make characters

A great way to become a more playful couple is to make up characters.

Think of this like roleplay, only it’s outside the bedroom. He can be a funny fisherman, and you can be a mad scientist who has come to trick him and steal all of his fish.

Be as silly and creative as you want. These characters will no doubt make recurring appearances in your relationship as they become one of your new favorite inside jokes.

9. Tell jokes

If you want to learn how to be more playful in a relationship, try making your partner laugh.

Research shows that couples who laugh together often report higher levels of emotional support. Another study published in Sage Journals found that couples who value laughter are more likely to stay together.

Check out the importance of humor in the relationship:

10. Do a game night

One easy tip for how to be playful in a relationship is to have a game night.

Grab a couple of snacks, a few drinks, and a handful of your favorite party games. Play like you are kids again and spend the entire evening competing to pass GO.

11. Make a playdate

Another fun tip for how to be playful in a relationship is to make a playdate for adults.

These adult playdates, called “Kidult” activities, are a surefire way to bring out the playfulness in a relationship. Some fun ideas for your kidult afternoon are:

  • Go to a bounce house and spend the day on the trampoline, trying to out-bounce each other
  • Attend a ‘whodunnit’ mystery show
  • Go swimming at the beach and pack a picnic
  • Stargaze together
  • Go to a corn maze and try and navigate your way out – the perfect fall activity!
  • Spend a night at a museum – many cities (London, Los Angeles, New York, the list goes on!) will allow you to spend the night in a sleeping back at the museum. Imagine sleeping right next to a dinosaur skeleton!

12. Try new foods together

If you’re for how to be more playful, look no further than your dinner plate.

This challenge can be as mild as trying a restaurant in town and ordering something out of the ordinary for you to order something new and wild online, like cricket chips or candy from another country.

13. Have a costume party for two

Plan a fancy night in with dinner and wine by the fire, but dress up like your favorite characters while you do. You’ll be hard-pressed not to giggle your way through dinner.

14. Make a movie night to remember

Movie night is a classic date, but this time put a childhood twist on it.

Have the sleepover you’ve only ever dreamed of by making a pillow fort in the living room, buying a scandalous number of snacks, and snuggling up with your partner.

Related Reading:20 Marriage Movies for Couples to Save a Struggling Marriage

15. Daydream together

Couple sleeping on grass field

Playful relationships are fun by nature but don’t forget to connect emotionally, too.

Mix playfulness and emotional intimacy by daydreaming as a couple. Set goals and talk about your future together.

Asking something as simple as: “Where do you see yourself in 5/10 years?” can open up a world of conversation. There is also plenty of opportunity to make jokes: “I see us running away to Aspen and opening the world’s greatest pie shop!”

Your jokes will make your partner laugh, but your conversation will bring you closer than ever.

16. Recreate your first date

One suggestion on how to be more playful in your relationship is to recreate your first date.

This can either be amazingly romantic as you end up fine dining and reminiscing about how you first fell in love or be absolutely hilarious as you wind up with takeout burgers and going roller skating afterward.

17. Ask questions

An additional tip for how to be playful in a relationship is to ask your partner funny questions like:

  • Have you ever peed in a pool?
  • If you had a pet chipmunk, what would you name it?
  • What is a ridiculous pet peeve you have?
  • If you had to marry a cartoon character, who would you pick and why?

These questions will open up some hilarious conversations and keep you and your spouse in stitches for the rest of the night.

18. Play outside

Create the playful relationship you’ve always dreamed of by taking the fun outdoors. If you both love sports, have a little friendly competition on the soccer field.

There are plenty of seasonal activities (skiing, sledding, swimming, boating, football, hockey) to keep you and your partner playfully competitive all year long.

19. Create something together

Sometimes learning how to be more playful means taking a page from your childhood. When you were little, life was full of creativity.

You built with blocks, made crafts, and baked new and amazing things.

Get creative with your partner by recreating these childhood pastimes or by trying something new together, like taking a pottery class.

20. Have a dance party

The best way to create the ultimate playful relationship is to dance.

Throw on your favorite album, take your partner’s hand, and dance the night away. Not only is this a fun and spontaneous way to spend the evening, but it also has the potential to be incredibly romantic (music-dependent.)


You don’t have to be a kid to enjoy the playful side of life.

Learning how to be playful in a relationship can bring balance and levity into your love life. You can become a playful couple by smiling more often, making your partner laugh, and cultivating a positive attitude.

Enjoy the benefits of being playful in a relationship. Bringing out your inner child will increase happiness, reduce stress, and draw you closer to your partner for years to come.

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20 Ways to Rebuild Trust in Your Marriage

Posted by Married Blog on tháng 3 19, 2023 with No comments

Beautiful couple standing against the wall

In This Article

Two individuals can be in love with each other as married couples, but when trust is broken, it becomes hard for them to move on. However, even though it looks impossible, the choice to rebuild trust in marriage depends on both parties.

Once they have the discipline, patience, and understanding to put in the work, they can rebuild trust to the point where it was in the marriage and even exceed it. In this article, you will learn some tips on how to repair a marriage with trust issues.

What is the meaning of trust?

Trust means you remain confident in your partner’s ability to make you feel safe with them. This means you are ready to be vulnerable with them because they will not use your belief in them to manipulate you.

Trust is one of the vital building blocks for any marriage to survive and withstand difficult moments.

In this research study by Asniar Khumas and other authors titled Rebuilding trust, you will understand the psychological change that couples experience, especially after an affair. This study is a practical eye-opener to understanding how rebuilding trust works.

How to rebuild trust when you were betrayed?

Happy woman hugging

If your partner betrayed you, you could rebuild trust by voicing your concerns to them. First, you must tell them the depth of hurt you feel because of their betrayal.

Then, if you notice that they are genuine about their apology, you can be sure that they will make rebuilding trust easier for you. This Blake Christensen’s book is for you. This masterpiece is titled “Rebuild Trust In Your Marriage.” it helps you prevent damaged trust from destroying your union.

Rebuilding trust after hurting someone

If you hurt someone, and they tell you that you’ve broken their trust, the first step is to acknowledge their feelings and avoid being defensive.

Then, you need to communicate openly with them to know what you did and provide a solution to make them heal from the hurt. Next, implement deliberate steps of love and care for the person so they can begin to trust you again.

Related Reading:How to Apologize to Someone You Hurt?

20 effective ways to rebuild trust in your marriage

Old couple bonding

When trust is broken in marriage, it is often difficult to gain back. Trusting your partner could mean your commitment to the relationship and understanding that you can be vulnerable with them and not regret it.

Here are effective ways to help in rebuilding trust

1. Treat the root cause

Anytime there is broken trust in a marriage, and you want to fix it, it is important to understand why it occurred. When you understand the root cause of a problem, it becomes easier to proffer solutions and start the journey to rebuild trust in marriage.

2. Listen and don’t be defensive

You can rebuild trust in marriage when you learn to listen without being defensive. First, you need to understand that broken trust is deeper than it might look on the surface.

Your partner must have invested everything about themselves into the marriage, and you probably took it for granted. Therefore, listen to what they have to say without defending yourself.

Related Reading:How Does Listening Affect Relationships

3. Don’t ignore your partner’s pains

If your partner says they are hurt, you should not water down their feelings. Put yourself in their shoes to imagine how hurt they are, and make up your mind to ensure everything gets better.

You should know that the emotional impact that the broken trust had on your spouse cannot be controlled. Be sensitive to their feelings and stand by them while trying to rebuild trust in marriage.

4. Apologize to your partner

After your partner has informed you of how hurt they are due to the broken trust, you need to apologize to them. When you genuinely apologize for putting your partner through a lot, it helps to heal trust issues in marriage.

Similarly, if your partner has a part in the blame, they will also apologize because you have done the right thing by reaching out to them first.

Related Reading:Importance of Saying Sorry in a Relationship

5. Be committed to the process

Another way to rebuild trust in marriage is to make a mental note to be committed to this process. You and your partner need to make this decision and work as a team.

One person should not be left alone to heal the problems caused by the absence of trust. Doing this together makes the marriage worth fighting for.

6. Work on your communication

Modifying your method of communication is a good hack on how to rebuild trust in marriage. However, you need to realize that this phase requires a different type of communication that would prove to your partner that you want to reestablish trust in the marriage.

Therefore, apply a different communication style that would effectively restore trust in marriage.

Related Reading:10 Effective Communication Skills in Relationships for Healthy Marriages

7. Set new rules in the marriage

Couple relaxing on sofa

Sometimes, it might be that trust was broken because the present rules were not meeting the needs of the marriage.

Therefore, you and your partner need to create or redefine rules to help you rebuild trust in marriage. These rules could contain effective communication, boundaries, etc., preventing future related problems.

8. Learn to appreciate your partner

You can rebuild trust in marriage when an atmosphere of appreciation is created in your marriage. Unfortunately, many couples do not see the reason to express appreciation for one another, which has a long-term negative effect.

Related Reading:8 Ways to Show Appreciation to the Love of Your Life

9. Be patient

When trust is broken in a marriage, it takes time to rebuild. This means you should be patient with the process because it cannot be rushed. People have different bandwidths when it comes to learning to trust again.

Your partner might be the person that needs enough time to trust you after a heartbreak. So give them enough time to trust you, and don’t manipulate them into doing things your way.

10. Don’t talk negatively about your partner to others

It is important to show your partner respect, in private and public. This means that you should speak gracefully about your partner to other people when they are not there.

When your partner hears that you always have positive words for them in their absence, they will be happy with you. Doing this helps to rebuild trust in marriage.

11. Create an atmosphere of transparency

When rebuilding trust in a marriage, you should set up an environment that breeds transparency. You need to be plain and open with your partner instead of keeping things from them.

Remember that the present goal is to repair trust in a marriage, and you can make things easier by telling them everything. Cultivating this habit reduces the chances of doing things that will break the trust again.

Related Reading:11 Secrets to Enhance Transparency in a Relationship

12. Be vulnerable with your partner

Another way on how to regain trust in a marriage is to understand the potency of vulnerability and practice it with your partner. It is important to mention that vulnerability and transparency go hand-in-hand.

When you are vulnerable, an emotional safety net is created with your partner, which helps to solidify the bond between the two of you. As a result, you will be able to gradually build a home of trust and intimacy in your marriage.

Watch this video on how to be vulnerable with your partner:

13. Always assess your questions

There are some questions you would ask your partner that shows you don’t trust them. They might feel bad about it because they expected you to know better than asking questions that reveal you don’t have faith in them.

So before you ask questions, ensure they are thoughtful ones. Do not ask questions that look like you are attacking them.

14. Learn to forgive

When trying on how to repair broken trust in a marriage, you and your partner need to learn and practice forgiveness.

This means you are ready to put aside all your partner did and focus on creating a beautiful future for yourselves. When you don’t forgive, it might be hard to move on, and you may not see your partner’s effort in ensuring that you trust them again.

Related Reading:Learning To Forgive: 6 Steps to Forgiveness In Relationships

15. Show your partner love in their love language

Some partners make the mistake of trying to love their spouse in the best possible way instead of understanding their love language.

You need to find out your partner’s love language so that you can make them happier. Doing this will make it easier on how to build back trust in a marriage.

16. Get more romantic with them

While you work on how to build back trust in a marriage, learn to be more romantic with your partner. Remember that you don’t need to put everything on hold because you are trying to rebuild trust.

You need to continue to prove to your partner that you love them and would do anything to make them happy. Remember that little acts of kindness count when dealing with your partner.

17. Go on a vacation together

The essence of going on a vacation as a couple is to unplug from your familiar environment and spend quality time alone in a serene place that boosts your emotional and mental health.

To rebuild trust in marriage, you can make the process easier by going to a pleasant and peaceful place that will allow the both of you to bond well.

Related Reading:Disagreeing on Where to Go on a Vacation with Your Partner?

18. Put your partner first

Another way on how to fix your marriage when trust is broken is to learn to put your partner first. First, you need to show them they are your life’s priority. When they begin to see signs that they come first in your life, restoring trust in the marriage is easier.

19. Fight for your relationship

Fighting to keep your relationship whole is another way on how to gain someone’s trust back. It involves defying all odds to ensure that you and your partner remain together.

Therefore, if a conflict is likely to occur, you can be proactive and nip it in the bud. Doing this will also encourage your partner to imbibe the same habit, making your relationship healthier.

20. Get professional help

Sometimes, you might feel that you need someone to talk to, especially when you are not familiar with the person. Then, you can consider getting professional help like a therapist.

It will become easier to pour out your mind to them and get all the assistance you need to restore trust in your union.

For more tips, read Suellen McDolly’s book titled Rebuilding trust in a marriage. This book is a complete guide to rebuilding your relationship, improving intimacy, and resolving conflicts.

Notes on rebuilding trust in your marriage

Girls hugging each other

If you need a positive change in your union because trust has been lost, check out these questions to solve your problem.

  • How to rebuild broken trust in a marriage?

You can rebuild trust in a marriage by being honest and open about why trust was lost in the first place. Then, apologize to your partner, and set clear rules in the marriage to prevent a repeat.

  • Can you rebuild trust in a marriage?

Rebuilding trust in marriage is easy when you and your partner are committed to the process. Putting in deliberate steps like forgiveness, communication, acts of love, etc., will go a long way in helping you and your partner trust each other again.

  • How can couples rebuild trust?

Couples can rebuild trust by being transparent with each other about their needs and how they feel the trust in marriage can be regained. They should be ready to communicate openly, acknowledge each other’s pain, and be ready to be vulnerable again.

  • What are the exercises that can rebuild trust in a relationship?

Some of the exercises that can rebuild trust in a relationship are acts of kindness, forgiveness, vulnerability, acts of love, counseling, and communication.


After reading this insightful piece on how to rebuild trust in a marriage, you’ve seen that it is not a process that should be rushed. Instead, you should be ready to walk through every step to ensure that you and your partner learn to trust each other again.

The truth is, if trust is broken in a marriage, it can be regained. However, it requires joint efforts from both partners to make it a reality. A healthy marriage needs trust to survive, and spouses should be intentional about establishing this in their union.

Sometimes, you might be stuck in a phase, and you need help and clarification; you can see a relationship counselor for more assistance.

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30 Throuple Relationship Rules for Successful Relationship

Posted by Married Blog on tháng 3 19, 2023 with No comments

Two woman kissing one man

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Do you know you can enjoy a relationship with three individuals? This relationship is called a throuple relationship. Please keep reading to learn more about it and throuple relationship rules.

What is a throuple relationship?

You probably heard the word “throuple relationship” the first time on a show. Or you eavesdropped on a conversation between strangers and clinched the word. As someone who just heard it for the first time, you get curious and ask, “What is a throuple relationship? Or what is a three-way relationship?”

A throuple relationship is a relationship involving three individuals in a romantic relationship. The word “throuple” is created from two words – “three” and “couple.” In such a relationship, one person is intimate with the other two, and vice versa.

A throuple couple is intentional, committed, and compassionate to the tenets of their relationship. While a throuple relationship deviates from societal norms, experiencing one can be much more fulfilling and exciting. Having a three-way relationship is often planned, understood, and agreed on by all participants.

So, how does a throuple relationship work?

How does a throuple relationship work?

What is a three-way relationship? A throuple relationship is not open, although it may be open or closed.

If the throuple couple agrees to leave the relationship open, they can see other people, often for sexual satisfaction, but not love or romance. However, if it’s a close one, the throuple can only enjoy romance and sex among themselves.

Similarly, having a three-way relationship differs from having a threesome relationship, where three individuals engage in sexual activity. The idea behind a throuple relationship is balance, commitment, and a consensual relationship agreed upon among three partners.

So, how does a throuple relationship work with three people, or how to make a throuple work? Well, you can build throuple relationships in several ways below:

1. A pre-existing couple agrees to invite another person

In this throuple arrangement, there are already two parties in a relationship. They have probably been together for a long time and explored situations together. Now, the couple both reach an agreement to start a throuple relationship and actively seek out a third person.

2. A married couple invites a third partner into their relationship

You can achieve successful three-way relationships with married couples. Like the above throuple relationship, a married couple may decide to invite a third person into their marriage. This might sound strange or weird to many people. After all, marriages usually comprise two individuals.

If the partners agree to this arrangement, a throuple can work with married partners. Their reason may be solely to spice up their marriage or try something different after years of being together.

3. All three persons agree to stay committed to one another in a close relationship

The three in this arrangement aren’t committed to anyone besides their partners in the throuple. They are in a three-way relationship where they are only romantically and sexually attracted to one another.

4. Three people come together and choose to enter a relationship together

In this relationship, the individuals come together and agree to have a throuple. Each hasn’t been intimately or sexually involved with the group member before.

Related Reading:What Keeps Couples Together: 15 Things You Must Know

5. All three people form a committed relationship but keep it open

If you want to know how to have a three-way relationship, here is one. The people in this throuple are committed to one another, yet agree to court, have sex with, and have relationships with people outside the throuple relationship.

Their relationship is very open to others outside the throuple. They can date and have sex with anyone they want.

Any gender or anyone with different sexual orientations can be in a throuple relationship. Also, a throuple couple can have intimate but not sexual feelings for one another and vice versa.

Understanding its meaning isn’t enough to know how to make a throuple work. It’s crucial to know throuple relationship rules. These rules should be negotiated and agreed upon by all three people involved.

Two man kissing one woman

30 throuple relationship rules for a successful relationship

Successful three-way relationships are built on rules. Since it is not like the usual two-way partnership, each individual involved must know the importance of the relationship to avoid arguments or confusion. The rules will ensure all participants are happy. Also, they can teach you how to have a three-way relationship.Here they are:

1. Communication plays a huge role

Like any normal relationship, individuals involved in a throuple must have intentional communication at the beginning of the relationship and at any other time.

There should be no room for assumption. If anyone is confused, they should ask questions. That will ensure everyone is on the same page.

2. Honesty is important

Honesty is one of the throuple relationship rules. It is a virtue that should be present. A little bit of vulnerability from each person will help achieve the goal of the relationship without leaving anyone behind.

Everyone involved must be open about their feelings, emotions, and expectations. Also, you must clearly state your intention so everyone will be on the same page.

3.Take it slowly

Even though people agree to enter a three-way relationship, one of the vital throuple relationship rules is to take it slowly. When you take it slow, you can watch each other’s attitudes and behaviors and reach a compromise to make the relationship work.

Remember, you all have different sexual and romantic expectations. Also, you have a different relationship experience.

4. Let it grow naturally

Like any other relationship, do your best to let your throuple relationship grow naturally. Don’t force anything, especially at the beginning of the relationship. Instead, use the first few days or weeks to get to know one another.

Whether there was a preexisting couple or you are all coming from different places, allowing the throuple to grow naturally gives you time to evaluate the relationship. It will also help you see how to make it better.

Learn about the signs of an incompatible relationship in this video:

5. Know that you are in a relationship with two people

It is against the throuple relationship rules to be in a relationship with one person. Remember, it is a three-way relationship. It is not you and another person against one person. Even if you are married to one person, you must be transparent when you agree to invite another.

While you are expected to be drawn to one person you have known before, you must caution yourself to remember this rule. Otherwise, the third person might feel left out and eventually storm out of the throuple.

6.Have clear goals

One throuple advice for couples is to communicate your expectations and goals. Ask one another the motivation for entering a throuple.

To what end? What do you plan to achieve in the long haul? Don’t mince words about your needs or desires. It’s a relationship, and every participant should be satisfied.

7. Be intentional

Don’t enter a throuple relationship because your friends are in it. Also, don’t invite others merely to know what it feels like. This isn’t a game.

A throuple is as essential as any other relationship out there. You should be serious about it and comply with everything agreed upon by others. That way, everyone is happy, fulfilled, and satisfied.

Related Reading:5 Areas of Loving Your Partner Intentionally

8. Equity

A throuple relationship should revolve around equity. Don’t leave anyone behind, regardless of your previous relationship. There should be a way to involve everyone at the same time.

For example, it should be a group call-over call to one person before including another. If anyone feels cheated or not included, a throuple relationship is bound to break before it starts.

9. You are all equal

There is always a strong contender in every relationship. In a throuple, however, you are all equal.

On a date night, for example, there is a chance that one person will receive more attention than the other. When you notice this, try to strike a balance. View each other equally; your behaviors will be geared towards the exact cause.

10. Throw the jealousy out of the window

If you are jealous in a throuple relationship, ensure it’s against someone outside the relationship. Getting jealous of one of the individuals in a throuple is dangerous and detrimental to the foundation of the relationship.

Whenever you feel left out, be open-minded and speak out immediately. Otherwise, it might grow into something else.

11. Learn to adapt

Do you want to know how to make a throuple work? It is best to adapt. Adapting to some things in a throuple might help you stay happy.

Remember, you all have different backgrounds and orientations. Before you disagree with anything, it might help to see how you can cope with it.

12. Be open to new experiences

A great throuple advice is that you should be ready to learn. Many things might appear strange to you in a throuple. The joy of it is that you have two other individuals who are ready to help you out.

However, you must be ready to learn. Even if all the people involved have limited knowledge, being open to learning can help them develop a solid relationship plan.

13. Be flexible

One way on how to have a three-way relationship is flexibility. The truth is many things won’t work in your favor in a throuple.

However, if you are both physically and mentally flexible, you will find balance and enjoy your partners. When circumstances arise, let other people know you are willing to learn.

14. Set boundaries

Regardless of how much you enjoy a three-way relationship, one of the vital throuple relationship rules is to set clear boundaries. Don’t get carried away, or you will be second-guessing yourself.

As much as you owe your partner commitment, there should be limits to your personal space. Remember, you have a life outside of your throuple. Talk about one another’s likes and dislikes. When you know this, everyone will know where to tread.

Three friends having fun dancing together

15. Find balance

If you are willing to do a throuple of work, learn to find balance. Even though there are things you don’t appreciate much in your relationship, it’s crucial to compromise.

You might have to sacrifice to make your partner happy if it doesn’t take your peace away.

16. Be ready to negotiate

As much as your needs are essential, remember you have two other persons with different needs and wants. Nonetheless, everyone can win if you are ready to negotiate. Find common ground that works for everyone, and you all will be happy.

17. Everyone must win

A throuple relationship should benefit everyone involved. That’s why it’s vital to check up and often communicate constantly. Ask one another how they feel about the relationship.

Ask if they are happy or have any observations. This step is essential. Otherwise, you might be pushing one person away without even realizing it.

18. Settle any dispute on time

Some couples make it a rule never to sleep over an argument. Even if you don’t make a rule, ensure you talk through any problem that may arise as soon as it happens. Don’t let any disagreement fester for long.

Indeed, talking about problems or admitting your faults is uncomfortable. However, it’s the best strategy to prevent an explosive fight.

19. Apologize when you are wrong

Many relationships have their challenges, and a throuple relationship is no different. To prevent issues from escalating, you should apologize and admit your fault when you are wrong.

People make mistakes, so don’t feel embarrassed. Instead, beg your partners and assure them never to repeat the action.

20. Learn to forgive

One piece of advice you should never forget is forgiveness. Partners offend each other or one another now and then.

Your ability to forgive your partner is vital to the relationship’s growth.

If you need to talk about it, set a time and tell your feelings. Then let go slowly – it’s peaceful.

21. Sex doesn’t have to be involved

A throuple relationship is a three-way relationship. It doesn’t mean a threesome where all you care about is sex.

Learn to do other things outside of intimate sexual activities. Discuss trending topics, take a walk, learn new things together and grow friendships.

22. You don’t have to be a trio

Three people are involved, but there will be a time when one person is busy. When this happens, it’s OK to be with the other person as long as there is an agreement.

23. Spend time with other people

One mistake many people make in a throuple relationship is that they don’t remember their life outside their throuple. You used to have a life and relationship with others.

Being three doesn’t mean neglecting other things or people in your life. Find ways to be responsible for your other commitments, and you will be delighted.

Related Reading:5 Benefits of Spending Time With Family

24. Have a me-time

Don’t get too carried away with compromising your me-time. Having personal time alone allows you to revisit your individuality.

It helps you align with your values, principles, aspirations, interests, and goals. Learn to take some time off to enjoy things alone. This step will help all partners refuel.

Couple having breakfast in bed

25. Don’t keep any secrets

One of the crucial throuple relationship rules is “no secrets.” When you agree to have a three-way relationship, it’s a throuple couple against others. Don’t divide the partnership by keeping secrets.

If you have anything to say or notice something weird about one person, say it openly. Don’t forget you all have the same goal.

Related Reading:21 Key Secrets To A Successful Marriage

26. Consider your throuple relationship in other things

Now that you are in a three-way relationship, you must create space for it. Be organized, as you might need to go on multiple dates, vacations, or attend events together.

If you feel any arrangement affects certain things in your life, discuss it with others.

Related Reading:25 Types of Relationships That You Might Encounter

27. Make time for each other

One of the best throuple advice is to make time for one another. Like in any other relationship, you must make time for your partner. Spending quality time together ensures you build a lasting connection and bond.

Notably, it gives you time to communicate and share personal details. For example, you may cook together or go on vacation.

28. Decide about the sleeping arrangement.

When it comes to sleeping arrangements, you don’t go with the flow or make assumptions. Everyone should discuss the options and make a clear decision. A throuple couple can decide to sleep together on the same bed.

Others may opt for two people taking turns sleeping together. Also, the individuals may choose separate rooms or beds and only come together for sexual activity. There is no specific rule as long as the partners have an agreement.

29. You are one

Although a throuple relationship is among three individuals, you are the same. You may have different desires, but your goal is to build a partnership with two other persons. When making decisions, don’t ever forget that.

30. Enjoy your relationship

Relax and enjoy every milestone in your throuple relationship. You will face challenges, problems, and rejections.

Many people might not understand your aim but focus on your partners. Don’t let issues or others’ opinions deter you from seeing the best in your relationship.

Related Reading:25 Reasons to Keep Your Relationship Private


Can a throuple be successful?

Yes, anyone can have a successful throuple relationship if the partners have an explicit agreement, commitment, and compassion.

How do you know it’s right for you to be in a throuple relationship?

If you are in a preexisting relationship and wish to have a throuple relationship, it may be right for you if:

  • You and your current partner have a healthy relationship, and your communication skill is top-notch.
  • You both are mature and can deal with jealousy.
  • Your partner understands the role of having a three-way relationship and has agreed to try it.
  • You are willing to adapt to the new arrangement.

Are there any advantages to being in a throuple?

The advantages of a throuple relationship are the same as that of a two-way relationship. They include:

  • Having people who love you deeply
  • Spending time with people who enjoy your company and share the same hobbies.
  • You have people who can support you emotionally during hard times.
  • If you live together, you have people with whom you can share financial responsibilities.


A throuple relationship involves three people who agree to be in a committed and romantic relationship. While it’s different from the usual two-way relationship, harming yourself with throuple relationship rules will help you achieve a fulfilling and exciting relationship.

That way, everyone’s needs are met. If you are confused about which way to go, it’s best to seek the advice of a relationship counselor.

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