Chủ Nhật, 19 tháng 3, 2023

15 Easy Ways to Take More Accountability in Relationships

Posted by Married Blog on tháng 3 19, 2023 with No comments

Man covering another man face

Accountability in relationships is necessary for building healthy relationships, which is also evidence that you can be trusted. In this article, you will learn how to be more accountable.

Taking responsibility for your actions in a relationship and acknowledging the effects of your behavior and choices shows you have a sense of control over your life. It also reflects that you are a credible person, and your strength of character cannot in any way be questioned.

To have the most of a relationship, apart from declaring love for each other, both parties need to make conscious efforts to be transparent, honest, and ready to trust each other.

Before diving into how to be more accountable in a relationship, it is important to know what accountability means.

What accountability means in a relationship

Accountability is a willingness to accept responsibility for one’s actions, words, and feelings. When you take ownership and accept responsibility for each of your actions in a relationship, it becomes very easy for your partner to trust and depend on you.

Knowing how to hold yourself accountable in a relationship helps in building profitable relationships with others. It involves recognizing the effects of your behaviors on your partner and the relationship and accepting responsibility for it.

Accountability in relationships can be difficult, but with these easy ways, you can learn to be more accountable and hold someone accountable.

15 easy ways to be more accountable in a relationship

Couple sitting on the couch

Accountability in relationships is not always easy in some relationships, especially ones with records of cheating, infidelity, and the like.

This could be a deal breaker for those with partners who don’t take responsibility for their actions by accepting their mistakes and owning up, which invariably puts the relationship in danger.

Now that you know what accountability in relationships means, here are easy ways to be more accountable to yourself and ways to hold someone accountable in a relationship.

1. Do a self-assessment and review of yourself

Self-assessment of yourself brings about self-awareness of who you truly are.

To hold yourself accountable in a relationship, you need to assess your personality to be aware of your feelings and emotions.

When you engage in self-assessment, it reflects your most inherent qualities, behaviors, values, and preferences. This helps you be aware of yourself, know what triggers you and how to respond and not react to relationship issues.

It is not enough to be self-aware. It would be best if you reviewed your words and actions to visualize their impact on your partner and the relationship.

How to be more self-aware in relationships? Watch this video.

2. Set goals to improve yourself

It is one thing to be aware of how your words and actions can affect your relationship. It is another thing to seek ways to improve yourself, especially if your behavior negatively impacts your partner.

Accountability in relationships requires you to write the behaviors you are willing to work on by setting a smart goal to help you achieve them. Accountability in love relationships is a joint effort from both parties to keep improving themselves to be more accountable.

Related Reading:How to Improve Your Self-Confidence in the Relationships?

3. Do away with the blame game

A partner who is accountable for their actions and takes ownership of what they have done wrong does not engage in blaming their significant other for every mistake in the relationship.

When you blame your partner for everything happening in your relationship but refuse to see your contribution as part of the issue, be assured that you are heading towards ruining the relationship.

One of the signs showing you are not taking accountability for your actions in a relationship is getting involved in the blaming game, which is not healthy for the relationship to thrive. So, accountability in relationships is necessary for having a healthy relationship.

4. Learn to apologize

Man covering his face with hands

Mistakes are inevitable, and nobody is perfect. Still, your ability to accept personal responsibility for your wrongs and apologize for them in a relationship indicates that you are more accountable.

Before you say you are working towards taking more accountability in a relationship, you must accept and own up to what you have done and sincerely apologize where necessary.

Doing this will encourage your partner to forgive you, knowing fully well you have realized your mistakes and are willing to change. This is how to hold yourself accountable in a relationship and hold your partner accountable too.

5. Be open and transparent

To be more accountable in a relationship, there is a need to be open and transparent.

If you are committed to changing those behaviors that make you react in a certain manner towards your partner, you have to be open and clear about them so that your partner can understand you better and why you behave the way you do.

Being open and clear with your partner about how you feel is one of the ways that you can take more accountability in relationships. This will help you not be misunderstood and judged too quickly because your partner is fully aware of what is happening to you.

Related Reading:11 Secrets to Enhance Transparency in a Relationship

6. Be open to meaningful compromise

In every healthy relationship, compromise is inevitable.

Your ability to reach a consensus with your partner on some issues in your relationship indicates that you value your relationship more than your interest, and that’s what compromise is all about.

Do you want to be more accountable? Then, you have to be open to compromise.

According to Dr. Claudia Six, compromising in a relationship is a way of supporting each other. It makes your partner feel loved, important, and valued because you are working towards achieving one goal, not as an opponent but as a team, to benefit the relationship.

7. Be committed to your words

It is one thing to say something, and it’s another thing to do accordingly. When you say what you mean and mean what you say, people will likely trust you for standing by your words, especially if your actions match your words.

How often you follow through on your commitments to yourself and your partner will determine whether you can be trusted.

Accountability in relationships is about taking responsibility for your words and actions; being committed to your words is one way to show that you are accountable.

8. Get feedback from your partner

Seeking feedback from your partner on what you are doing right or wrong in a relationship will show you how to hold a person accountable. Holding someone accountable also helps you know if their words and actions impede or improve the relationship.

This is typical of what happens in a relationship where one partner struggles with being accountable for their feelings, words, and actions but expects their significant other to be accountable to them, which often causes friction in a relationship.

9. Consider your partner’s perspective

There is something about accountability in relationships that makes it about the two parties in that relationship. It is about having some emotional intelligence to understand why you both behave and act in a particular way and manner.

Sometimes, your partner’s view of a particular issue differs from yours.

That is not the time to pick offense against them but to see things from their perspective by being empathetic to see how you would act if you were in their shoes.

Related Reading: How Seeing Things From Your Partner’s Perspective Can Boost Your Love

10. Do not overcommit

To be more accountable in a relationship, you must do away with overcommitments. Why make commitments you cannot meet up with? Before making commitments, be sure they are what you can do.

That is why it is important to gauge your words with your actions, knowing that overcommitments can lead to over-expectations, which often lead to disappointment.

If you find it difficult to meet your commitments to your significant other and the people around you, check if you have yet to overcommit yourself.

11. Identify your role

Taking accountability in relationships will only be easy if you are clear about what you are responsible for.

Until you know your role and what your partner expects from you, you will know if what you are doing is right or wrong to hold yourself accountable.

Not knowing what you are accountable for can create confusion, cause a loss of focus, and lack accountability in relationships.

12. Seek professional help

Young couple talking to therapist

A forward-thinking partner who truly desires their relationship to grow and become successful will reach out for help from professionals to guide them through how to avoid behaviors and attitudes that are capable of causing an impediment to the success of that relationship.

Involving a professional counselor to analyze and identify those behaviors can help you take accountability for what you are doing right or wrong in a relationship.

13. Make accountability a priority

The relationship is not a one-person show; it takes two to tango. In making accountability a priority in your relationship, all you need to do is to take a step back, think of how you have contributed to what is happening in your relationship, and seek ways to make changes.

Accountability in relationships enhances your ability to hold yourself accountable and shows you how to hold your partner accountable, thereby creating a healthy environment for you and your partner to thrive in the relationship.

14. Manage your time effectively

The Importance of time management cannot be overemphasized when taking accountability in relationships. Managing time can be difficult, but you can manage your time effectively with discipline.

Suppose you easily forget dates, especially those important to you, your partner, and your relationship. In that case, you can use tools for timing, planning, and remembering important dates. This is what accountability in love relationships is all about.

15. Learn to respond and not react

Regarding taking accountability in relationships, you need to learn to respond to issues you have with your partner rather than reacting.

Responding to what happens in your relationship allows you to think through the situation before saying anything about it.

Still, when you react, you need to take the time to analyze the situation before acting, which can worsen the situation.

By learning to be calm and analyze what is happening in your relationship before you respond, you stand a chance of not becoming defensive, and this will help you to be more accountable.

Related Reading:Respond Not React to Your Thoughts and Feelings

The takeaway

Why hold someone accountable when you are not? Partners who take accountability in their relationship always consider what they need to do to salvage the situation and improve the relationship.

Suppose you want to be more accountable in your relationship. In that case, you must communicate with your partner about how you feel, avoid playing the victim and apologize for what you have done wrong. To learn more about how to have a healthier and happier relationship, take a course.

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